Farm chatter


is that the haunted coop?

awh :hugs

yes iz cute

my OE has a lot of different shades 😂



i would say the first one
Yeah but they were drastically different shades. Turns out that third shade I saw was just an egg with a weird pigment distribution.

yes that’s the haunted coop, pre-haunting.
Don't worry about her. Emma's just.... well.....Emma.
Welcome to Farm Chatter, where we talk about most things. THey're usually not actually farm related. It is nice when things are like, mildly farm related though.
Yes, I have had some fun with Emma. She is great! Maybe a little dangerous at times, but still great.
I want to do a big thing that I'm calling the Trackable Project

I love the ideas of trackables for geocaching (items that have a tracking code andare logged so you can see where they go) and I'd like to make some of my own. Because it's me, I have to make this into a much bigger deal than it is. I'd like to make 9 of these.
Materials needed:
10 Trackable Dog Tags (atm, there's a promotion where I can get a free one) w/promotion- $38.25 w/o promotion- $42.50
9 Rubber Ducks, varying sizes- $27 (I have to buy 12)
9 Luggage Loops- $6.99
Loc-Tite Thread Locker- $6.48
Shrinky-Dink Paper- $12.95
Custom Ring- $28
The plan:
Put holes in rubber ducks. Use the luggage loops to attach travel bug dog tags and tags stating the trackable goal (made out of shrinky dink) and use loc-tite to make it super secure. Each of these 9 ducks will have a goal.
1. Visit every state
2. Get to California
3. Go to every Continent
4. Meet People's Pets (I"ll ask people to take a picture of it with their pet)
5-9. TBD
I'll use the code of the last trackable to put on the custom ring, thereby making myself trackable. It's more discreet than a t-shirt and I like rings. It will also log the miles that I go while caching, to a point.(

It all totals up to be quite pricey lol
That sounds awesome.
my OE has a lot of different shades 😂
And you've never thought to mention you have rainbow rainboe eggs? *taps foot impatiently*
Everyone's saying the first one but I think I like the second one more

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