Farm Day 2013 - Peafowl photos!

Lots of Spalding black shoulder hens.

Here is a large flight aviary. The pine straw hanging from the netting looks really cool in my opinion.

I like the neat perch in the center there.

I always wonder how people deal with trees in the pen. I think I need this kind of netting for sure. My netting is just getting very frustrating...

I am not sure if many people visited these next few pens, but they were to one side of the flight aviary.

Another midnight


Here is a photo of the bananas on the banana tree.

The flower

Here are those huge elephant ears again. This is just to show how big they are. Aaron is 6ft. tall.

This is me in the stalks of the plant. I think I would like to see if Josh would give me some of these elephant ears. I have been looking for a variety that will get big like this. Is anyone here an expert on growing these things?

Here is a cow we saw. I didn't see any more cows but there were tons of mini donkeys and they were very friendly! I had fun petting all of the animals!

This photo is fairly good for showing the blue on the face.

Each pen has an automatic waterer.

Here is the right side of the big field were all of the booths were set up. Everything was free. Free food, etc. I really loved the boiled peanuts!

Left side. It was a beautiful day for a Farm Day but I was wishing I had worn shorts.

More peafowl photos...

This peahen had an interesting face.

They had several pretty horses but this one was my favorite. They said he is old and they don't use him for much anymore. He was so soft! I love paints, appaloosas, and leopard horses.
Such a nice variety. Yeah bronze pieds are not so common.
What a gorgeous bronze blackshoulder peacock! I cannot wait to get mine!!!!

-His wings have barring on the top, whereas a green would not have that.
-Greens has very defined green scales, and this spalding does not have distinct scales, and the overall coloring is not green like the pure greens.

All of those random grayish peafowl are interesting. I think some could be charcoal hens but why would there be so many when they do not lay eggs?
Yay congrats you win uhm...An imaginary ribbon! Haha

Maybe a lot of people like charcoal hens because if they don't want to breed peafowl but want a peahen they can get a charcoal hen? I don't know...

Alright more photos to come hopefully tomorrow. I have 39 photos left to post.
Thanks for the prize!

I guess that reason is valid, and they do look nice in their own way.

One thing I noticed is the greens had white feathers...wasn't there a thread on here regarding this, perhaps something about their nutrition?
Great pictures !
No more picture of spalding emerald pied or spalding emerald silver pied ?

The large salad is probably Colocasia gigantea Thailand Strain - the largest colocasia!
We liked the "panda" cow. I somehow missed seeing piglets my wife and her friend were talking about. I was more interested in the birds and her the animals. Go figure.
I did like the big tortoises though. That was funny when some little kids were riding em.
Hi MinxFox
nice pictures I saw some good greens. The face colour from the female ( ''This peahen had an interesting face ) is verry good I saw it at some females from Cambodia and Java. Thank you for sharing with us
I really like the look of the darker more Colorful Spalding BS Hens. He sure does have quite a few birds and Def likes his Green/Spalding birds.
Quote: I was looking through the pictures again and this one stood out to me. The train looks like a bronze peafowl, but something about the coloring just makes me second-guess myself. Also, is it spalding since it has the majority of the wing a sold color?

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