Farm Innovators Model 4250 or Nurture Right 360?


6 Years
Mar 22, 2015
Eastern U.S.
I'm trying to decide between incubators... Farm Innovators Model 4250 or Nurture Right 360? The Farm Innovators has a larger egg capacity (almost twice that of the 360), but overall the reviews seem slightly lower. Assuming that I would get my own thermometer and humidity reader and not rely on the incubator's, which one would you choose? Any personal experience with these?
all i can tell you by looking is the larger one will likely hold much more stable and even temps throughout, especially this time of the year .. but .. if i only occasionally would use it i would get the smaller better looking and more easily stored 360, i'd just be sure to keep it in a non-drafty area and maybe keep a towel around it, set it up and stabilize it like that ... and do use a backup gauge with any incubator you go with and get used to what it does first for a couple days ..
I've had 2 incubators so far, and they happen to be these two specific incubators. As always, your mileage may vary, and these are just my experiences.

I started out with the 4250 and got 2 or 3 good hatches out of it. I noticed however, I suddenly started having terrible hatches with it. By that, I mean the hatch rate was low and the chicks that did hatch were taking longer than normal to hatch. I wasn't doing things any differently. The incubator apparently is now running a couple degrees too low, and the onboard instrumentation is not registering that. We also can't seem to keep the little black plugs on the sides (where you add water) to stay in. That'll definitely mess with your humidity levels, and could possibly be why that incubator is just not heating properly. Dealing with humidity with this incubator was a bit on the frustrating side. I loved the automatic turner. It did an excellent job, though it did heat up the corner noticeably in which it occupied fwiw.

Since that incubator was not working properly, I bought the Nurture Right. So far, loving it. I've only hatched one set of shipped eggs, and had a reasonable hatch rate out of it. It was so much easier to see the chicks hatching. Very much like having a front seat view. Its onboard instrumentation is accurate thus far, and I found regulating the humidity to be much easier with this incubator. It doesn't have the massive amount of space that the 4250 has so if you put a ton of eggs in there (especially large fowl), the chicks will be crowded together. Something also of note is that the 4250 has a thin plastic shell with styrofoam inside. The Nurture Right is made with plastic, but seems more sturdy to me.

That's all that's coming to mind; I hope it's helpful.
I think the NR 360 could hold stable outside in the winter if I wanted it to, lol. It's so stable and reliable. I am majorly impressed with mine. I have not heard good things about the farm innovators one. Stryofoam incubators are usually really poor quality. I would go with the NR 360 for sure. You won't find a better quality incubator for that price. I would trust my incubator with anything.
Thanks so much everyone! Your reviews are extremely helpful for me in making this decision. I'm gonna go with the NR 360. If it comes down to egg capacity issues, then heck, I'll get a second :) I'd rather something reliable and small than large and slightly more hit or miss.
Thanks so much everyone! Your reviews are extremely helpful for me in making this decision. I'm gonna go with the NR 360. If it comes down to egg capacity issues, then heck, I'll get a second :) I'd rather something reliable and small than large and slightly more hit or miss.
You'll love it! If I ever need more space I'll get another too! Glad we could help.
all i can tell you by looking is the larger one will likely hold much more stable and even temps throughout, especially this time of the year .. but .. if i only occasionally would use it i would get the smaller better looking and more easily stored 360, i'd just be sure to keep it in a non-drafty area and maybe keep a towel around it, set it up and stabilize it like that ... and do use a backup gauge with any incubator you go with and get used to what it does first for a couple days ..
The farm innovators humidity is all over the place though. And it seems warmer in the middle of the incubator like a still air incubator. Just personal preference I like the nurture right. Also have a kebonnixs and it has done amazing hatching ducks. Never found any incubator that hatches ducks well but the kebonnixs doe about 75 percent hatch everytime. Or the past 5 times anyway. Hope this helps.
I have two NR360’s that I just LOVE! I bought a farm innovator to use solely for lockdown/hatching. It’s been running for about 3 days now, with no eggs in it yet, and I absolutely refuse to transfer my eggs over. I have two backup thermometers/hygrometers in there. They read spot on with the NR’s. But in the FI’s, they don’t read the same as the the onboard thermometer and the one corner reads differently than the other. I’ve switched the thermometers around and they both adjust back to what they were reading before moving them. Sooooo. I’m taking the FI back and grabbing another NR.

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