Farmer's and rancher's chat thread!

I dunno, but I just got in from my chickens. :D

My Mom is going to Jersey today to look at a bedroom set!!! We saw it on cragislist, and we really like it!!! We've been looking for a new bedroom set for me for FOREVER. Cause my dresser is an antique, my bed is from my cousin's Gramma (my old bed was like 50+ and was my Uncle's when he was young and now he's like 58 or whatever) and my nightstand is from Pottery Barn, and this other bookshelf is from this furniture store that was having a sale since they were closing. So, yea, it's a mis-matched bedroom. XD
Quote: Well when they are jerks to my loving little hens and try to face off with my 3 year old.... yeah is wasn't hard. I just pluck and gut, Someone else does the kill :/ lol my sweet little girls want to chop the heads off? What have I wrought.
Quote: Well when they are jerks to my loving little hens and try to face off with my 3 year old.... yeah is wasn't hard. I just pluck and gut, Someone else does the kill :/ lol my sweet little girls want to chop the heads off? What have I wrought.
They arent mean to me, just the hens. Ill gut and pluck but I cant do the killing
I know how you feel little farmer, only 3 more hours of work then the weekend!!! Woo-hoo!!! I've got to start a bigger chicken coop this weekend got 50 chicks coming next week, hope I didn't bite off more than I can chew the most I've ever had before was 15 chickens.

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