Farming and Homesteading Heritage Poultry

Quote: WHat pill?????? Maybe it has other side effects so they provide the other as first choice.
Bee-- get there any way you want!! Don't know if I ever shared with you the years of breeding sheep. ALways picking the best of the best which meant all my girls went back to just one or two ewes, and the males were from sons of my rams off new ewes, any way, after about 20 years, I started having lambs with dislocated hips,. Took me into the second lambing season with this issue before Eureka struck: figured it was a double recessive lethal-- with my current stock I was painted into a corner, all very related, so the quick answer to get a new ram, which I did from a completely different breed. Dilute the bad genes. I wish now I had not been so agressive in picking only the best of the best and wish I had paid more attention to keeping broader genetics from the start.
Bee, it would be slower.

It still boils down to hatching a qty. of growers and selection though. I do not think that anyone can logically dispute that.

I think that it is less risky, and a good way for someone to get their feet wet (or stick their toe in the water). The reason is the variability. You haven't put yourself in a corner to start off with. That might go against conventional wisdom, but I still believe that flock mating is not a bad place to start.

The biggest thing us newbies need to learn is selection. Developing an eye for the birds, and becoming familiar with the strengths and weaknesses in our birds. It takes a generation or two to do that when we are new. In the mean time, the added variability might help keep us from getting into too much trouble. At least not to a point of no return. A little more room for error.

I agree and I'm hoping to do just that.....start slow, keep it in the middle, branch out when I see I have come to the end of my own rope.

Bee-- get there any way you want!! Don't know if I ever shared with you the years of breeding sheep. ALways picking the best of the best which meant all my girls went back to just one or two ewes, and the males were from sons of my rams off new ewes, any way, after about 20 years, I started having lambs with dislocated hips,. Took me into the second lambing season with this issue before Eureka struck: figured it was a double recessive lethal-- with my current stock I was painted into a corner, all very related, so the quick answer to get a new ram, which I did from a completely different breed. Dilute the bad genes. I wish now I had not been so agressive in picking only the best of the best and wish I had paid more attention to keeping broader genetics from the start.

Good advice! I'll be sure not to get too inclusive on my breeding. I'm going to try and stay in touch with other WR breeders here and read up on what they are doing, tell them what I am doing, show them what I'm producing here and see if they have suggestions or some help they can offer in their own lines...or share what I have if they think it's worth having.
Fred got it right away, crafty fox that he is! So did Gjensen.....quick! Tongue in cheek as Fred put it!
I'm not really a "breeder" yet but am dipping in the toe, so to speak, and if there is a way to do it on free range then, by gummy, I'm going to do it. And there is...flock breeding or some variation of that. It's slower, it's not as productive, it's more risky....but it's right down my alley.

Breed the best and eat the rest, bring in better if I can't make what I'm trying to make in a certain amount of time....but I'm betting I'll get there if I just keep culling for the traits I want. It's slow, but sure. I may never get there before I'm gone.....but I'm GOING and that's the important part. That journey, that discovery and challenge, and the fun of trying to create that good bird or the worthy flock.

You guys know me....I never do things the way other folks do it.

If you start with a dynamite quad, trio or pair? It makes a world of difference. Start with some less-than-good birds and you've got to hatch out 100 and hope to improve them over the next 4 years. But, hatch out of your birds, Bee?

I'd not be too concerned. Since I know what you have for your start, you'll do just fine. Hatch out 20, if you can, pick the best, eat the rest. If you need a bird here or there to add, drop me a line.
Back home and got to let out the flock and just sit and watch them range. No activity or driving for 24 hours. So tomorrow too will be diet to increase probiotics in system with a soft diet and just sit and watch the chickens range.

Am tired though and the juvie coop and the larger coop have gone to roost. Off to bed with me too. Nothing but chicken feeding and observing tomorrow activity wise for me. Not a bad plan to ANY day...:lol:
If you start with a dynamite quad, trio or pair? It makes a world of difference. Start with some less-than-good birds and you've got to hatch out 100 and hope to improve them over the next 4 years. But, hatch out of your birds, Bee?

I'd not be too concerned. Since I know what you have for your start, you'll do just fine. Hatch out 20, if you can, pick the best, eat the rest. If you need a bird here or there to add, drop me a line.

That's what I am thinking, Fred....I was blessed to have been given the cream of the crop from two different lines and that's like jumping to the head of the class right there. That takes years and years off a breeding project and leaves one just working out details. I feel like I'm cheating the way it is. I'm very anxious to see what pops out from under that broody hen tomorrow.....yes..tomorrow!!!
There are 7 WR eggs under that hen and they were all alive when placed under there at day 18, so we shall see......

Going to start leaving eggs to build up in the nest box again to see if I can't entice another hen to go broody for me and double down once again, with some under the bird and some in the incubator at the same time so the broody can raise both sets.
That is what I really hope for in the future. Something other than my breeders to hatch breeders eggs. I'll adjust the number under her with what I want to hatch. ;)

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