Farming attire

Bird Worrier

6 Years
Dec 31, 2017
Need recommendation for farming attire. I am always wearing knee-high boots outside of my jeans and all the straw goes directly into my boots. Ugh! I will sometimes wear rain pants over the boots so that does not happen but they are so hot in the summer time. Any ideas? Are there some nifty and cool (literally) overalls that I can wear that I can snap on and off?
Nifty? Farm attire nifty? It's relative, I guess. I wear jeans and Muck Boots (the brand, the very best!) or running shoes.
Sporting supply stores and farm stores both have coveralls, insulated for winter, or not. They come in one piece and go over the boots. Really wide jeans would go over the boots too.
I wear these, waterproof leather with a couple inches of rubber covering the bottom. 20190901_174245_resized.jpg . My Blue jeans cover the boots.
In warm weather I just wear Boots, jeans and a t-shirt. Cooler weather I also wear a Flannel shirt. Winter I also wear an old jacket. I also have an old raincoat with a hood when needed. GC
Get some chaps, DH has some he uses for yard work and it keeps grass out of his boots.

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