Farmyard Bizzaro- diary on a crazy farmyard's days (Geese and Chickens)

Hahaha, another update...

Moonshine had a 100% hatch rate(10/10) Sadly, 4 of those were taken by hawks! The leftover 6 have survived the day, luckily..

Having fun! You can see the chipmunk coloured ones, they are my favourite!

Just as I took this picture a hawk flew (more like sped.....) past and she looked at it (very alarmingly) and warned the chicks)

AVH is doing well, but has also lost 2 chicks!

Octomom is still fine and hasn't lost one chick! I think it's because of her size that the hawks think twice before going for her chicks!

HennyPenny's chciks are growing quickly! One can already see the difference between the broilers (the one's I gave her) and her normal chicks!!

Goldie has also not lost one chick! She also has one chick that is chipmunk coloured, but se also has a "Bev" coloured chick (when I was younger I had a hen that wqas black and white and I named her Bev, but then she died!

Mrs Frizzle is also doing perfectly well, and she also has a "Bev" chick!~!~

Random Chickens...

Nameless here, almost went broody today but then decided (at dusk) that she is still waayyy too young!!

Summer, about to lay an egg!

Autumn, one of my favourite chickens!!

The egg she laid today!

Orange rooster hanging out with Pipsqueak (left) Eggbert (middle) and Millie (right)

The youngsters a hanging out on the deck, on the couch (don't tell my mom)

My mom chased them away...

Big D, is very camera shy!

Now, he is wondering if I'm still taking pics of him!!!

Eating some mushrooms (safe!!)

This is their favourite dust bathing area!


The chicks are really growing!!

Sorry for the really loooonnnggg post, but you guys are probably used to that!?
Hawks are really becoming a problem all of a sudden!
I thinks it's because I am the only person in the 10km radius that has got so many chicks hatching like almost every 2 weeks!
The black hen has also become (probably) broody!

Hawks are becoming a real problem here on Farmyard Bizarro recently! It's as if they know spring is coming (more cover for all the chickies)!

My brothers (BroiLuva, on BYC) Baryard Mix Roo!

My brothers hen! Those are his two chickens! (He is planning to grow is flock with this hen

Octomoms chicks are growing rweally quickly! She is very aggresive!!
, so i cant hold her fluffballs!!

Autumn has gone broody! (Finally)

Ebony (named by @FourteenChicks ) has also gone broody!

And so has her sister (Nameless)

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