Fav Turkeys

Where are you? I have two young toms I would sell but I will not ship.

What spacific place are you in in IL .
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Hi i have question on breeding turkeys. I was just told that I need a sadle for my hens to keep the tom from hurting my hens
I don't think I could put my finger on any one specific breed as my fav. We raise 6 breeds and each one has different traits and or quirks.

The Bourbons are the most curious - sometimes a pain if you are trying to get something done in their area, they are so under foot.

The Royal Palms are what people seem to notice first when they come here, they are very striking

The Hollands are very calm and docile - as big as they are they somtimes make people nervous

The Standard Bronze are just a little bigger than the Hollands - they seem to like people as they will come right to you.

The Beltsville's are standoffish as they come but they lay like a leghorn chicken.

The Midgets are curious but not as much as the bourbons, friendly but not as much as the Bronze. They will always have a place here as they were our first breed and the best on the table. So I guess if I had to go with just one breed it would be....... Bourbon?


or maybe the Beltsvilles


or a Midget White


or a White Holland

an RP

Bronze maybe

But this would be my fav.

Steve in NC
That's how it starts... just a few turkeys and then, here a turkey - there a turkey. everywhere a turkey.
. They are really amazing birds once you get to know them.

I just got a tom turkey. how will i know when the eggs will be fertil. I do have some hens laying. is it to late for them to get fertli
Bear with me if these aren't great pics..this is my first attempt.

Here's a few pics of my Royal Palms..although Black Spanish are by far my favorite..you can't help but love these beauties as well!




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