Faverolles or Sultans


5 Years
Feb 3, 2014
My daughter is trying to decide on which of these two breeds to get, the Sultans or Faverolles. She wants Super Friendly chickens. We have had 3 Faverolles hens before and loved the personalities, but we have never even heard of or seen a Sultan until I come across the name on a hatchery site. From everything I have read they are one of the Ideal chicken as well, if you are looking for "Lap Chickens"

Heres the dilemma. Faverolles do good in Cold and from what I have read on McMurrary's sit, Sultans do not.. However I have also gotten mixed info on Sutans and tolerating the Cold. Cause No one has says Were they Live..

So my question is.. "How well do Sultans tolerate the cold?" .. I live is Southwestern Idaho, and we have pretty cold winters, even down in the single digits at times. And I really dont want to go out to the barn and find out that the Sultans learned what the inside of a Freezer feels like.. :))..

Thank you

FYI.. We have had quite a few other breeds as we have been into chicken for almost 13+ yrs and only 3 Faverollers (out of 3), 2 Sussex (out of 3), along with 1 Easter Egger, that have had the Super Friendly "lap chicken" personality.
AND I forgot to add.. Faverollers are not very Hardy as Chicks.. So again not sure which breed would be best..
Sorry, not an answer to your question, but I'm glad to know you were happy with the Faverolles. I have been looking for some since I read about them in the hatchery catalog, but I don't need 15! Where did you get yours? Best of luck with your search for information on Sultans.
No problem about not answering my question.

I got my 3 (4) Faverolles from a local feed store that is now closed down.. She got them Through McMurrary Hatchery. They were just about the sweetest chickens we ever had, beside the 2 out of 3, Sussex hens and 1 Easter Egger.. But just be careful if you have other breeds, as Faverolles will be on the bottom of the pecking order, depending on What other breeds you have.

Our Very 1st Faverolles, Frenchie, was the only Faverolles in a flock of 1 RIR, 2 Australorp, 1 Wht Rock, 1 Orpington, 1 Wynadotte, 2 Sexlinks, few Cross breds and 1 Big Orpington Rooster.. The only 'friend' she had was occasionally the Orpington hen was nice to her. And she was becoming really ant-social do to being picked on. She tended to stay in the back ground. So, we found Frenchie a new home who had a couple of other Faverolles.

Then we got 3 more Pullets (1 had a sex change and became Louie). We put Everyone in with our Belgian d' Anver Banties, and they did really good in there. Louie did get a bit of an attitude when he was about 5/6 mths, But Louie could've just be a "Bad Egg" as he was the only Faverolles Rooster we ever had. So dont know true Faverolles Rooster temperament. But the 2 hens Bossy & Mahogany, were pretty friendly... Bossy didnt like being picked up though, but she LOVED!! to groom your hair..:)).. She would keep walking around you until you sat down to let her groom your hair.:). They did seem to lay pretty good, however their eggs were about the same size as the Banties. Because Of this, we opt to get rid of Bossy & Mahogany as we breeding the Banties.

BTW I totally forgot about Our Banties. So IF anyone is wants a Super Nice, Sweet Tempered Bantam. The Belgian d' Anver (aka Antwerp or Breaded Belgian) is It. The Hens Are really good layers, Very Good Brooders, (would even brood together) and even more so Awesome Moms, They WOULD form coalition when raising up the chicks. All mothers would take care of all the chicks in the group.. Most of the Roosters are just as friendly. They are also "meaty" so make pretty good Dual Purpose Birds as well. Plus Fertility rate was High.. Hens would almost always have 100% hatch rate..(and chick always seem to come out 50/50).. However, when I tried w/the incubator.. my hatch rate was almost Nil.. and at that time I had 4yrs experience incubating eggs..

And Yes I understand the not wanting 15 chicks.. That why I ended up getting rid of my Banties.. When we 1st got the chicks, I bought 8 chicks, form the local Pet Store. We ended up w/4 pullets and 4 Cockerels.. obviously we kept the 4 pullets and the Best Cockerel. But the Pet store never ordered anymore Banties chicks in the following couple of yrs. The only way they would order any banties in was if I ordered 30 chicks.. So after not being able to get 'fresh blood" in, we sold them all..

This is also my Dilemma as well.. I dont want 25+ chicks.. and then on top of that, there is "Shipping".. However, I am thinking that maybe we will just go with Faverollers or even Banties again, as I know What their personality is like AND I know they are Cold Hardy.. Or maybe even Sussex again.. UUHHGG Decisions, Decisions, Decisions..
My daughter is trying to decide on which of these two breeds to get, the Sultans or Faverolles. She wants Super Friendly chickens. We have had 3 Faverolles hens before and loved the personalities, but we have never even heard of or seen a Sultan until I come across the name on a hatchery site. From everything I have read they are one of the Ideal chicken as well,  if you are looking for "Lap Chickens"

Heres the dilemma. Faverolles do good in Cold and from what I have read on McMurrary's sit, Sultans do not.. However I have also gotten mixed info on Sutans and tolerating the Cold. Cause No one has says Were they Live..

So my question is.. "How well do Sultans tolerate the cold?" .. I live is Southwestern Idaho, and we have pretty cold winters, even down in the single digits at times. And I really dont want to go out to the barn and find out that the Sultans learned what the inside of a Freezer feels like.. :))..

Thank you

FYI.. We have had quite a few other breeds as we have been into chicken for almost 13+ yrs and  only 3 Faverollers (out of 3), 2 Sussex (out of 3), along with 1 Easter Egger, that have had the Super Friendly "lap chicken" personality.

I have two Dominiques, one Delaware and two Favorolles. I personally would not get Favorolles again. They are extremely noisy and make a sound almost like a peacock. They are also quite messy because of the dense feathering in their rear ends. Mine are quite skittish compared to the other three birds. I live in SC and they need a lot of help on hot days. More than the other birds. They are cute to look at and lay beautifully. My Dominiques are the best pets.
I have a sultan roo and he is extremely cold tolerant, I am not sure why everyone says they are not hardy. They have abundant feathers and small combs, mine have tolerated -20ish tempatures just fine. Good luck! :thumbsup
Thanks for all the info everyone

sunnysideup & moonshadowchick
AS far as the Faverolles Go.. Never had any issues with the heat, we do get temps as high as 105*+ here in SW Idaho. However We do not have nearly as bad of a Humidity Problem that most Mid Eastern, Eastern and S. Eastern states have (originally from Iowa), so the Humidity might be a factor. But I dont know what SC and Kentucky is like so only guessing. And we never did we have any trouble with their backsides. Had 3 hens and 1 Rooster..All were very quite, very calm and very Friendly.. the rooster, however, did cop an attitude at about 5/6 mths, but that couldve just been Louie's personality..And we did Re-program him..:)).. We did take in a rescue Faverolles last summer though, who was rather noisy, and more anti-social.. but over all a nice hen. No peacock noise though.. However I have had other breeds that were suppose to be good birds, but some were extremely noisy and/or very anti-social/skiddish.. Or had attitude issues..

And as so as your Faverolles being skiddish, they could be getting picked on, but I would say, they are definitely at the bottom of the pecking order. Our Very 1st Faverolles hen, Frenchie, became very anti social and a little bit skiddish when we put her out in the main Mixed flock. We found her a new home, because I only had 1 chicken pen at that time. Now have more then I need..LOL

Spring Chick Fever:
Good to know on your Sultans.. we do get temps down in the single digits, and like I said, 1/2 the info I found said "not Cold Hardy". so guess maybe we should just get a couple 1st, and 'see' how they do, and whether or not we even like them, before investing in a entire breeding flock. And Why this didnt come to me sooner w/all the 30+ years animal experience that I have..I will never know.. so must be coming down with "old age syndrome"

>>But beings No body has Sussex, Faverollers or Sultans available at this Time, I guess we have some more time Ponder..

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