Faverolles Thread

Hi all, been away for a long while due to RL. I hope you've all been doing well!

The reason for my reappearance was that I wanted to ask the experts about the egg-laying habits of purebred LF Faverolles (blue salmons, not that I think it really affects anything :p).

My two lovely girls were churning out an egg a day like pros up until 8 months of age, then one completely stopped. The other soldiered on for a few weeks, but eventually she too went on strike. I'm baffled and wondering if this is something inherant to the breed.

They are both well fed and good weight, they've been wormed, have not been moved in the past 4 months, are not molting, show no sign of pecking, and are bright and alert. They just.... stopped laying. They don't free-range unless it's the weekend and I'm home to keep an eye out for hawks (we live within 2 miles of the World Center for Birds of Prey, established because our populations here are so high). So I know for a fact they aren't hiding them. Also, none of the other eggs are touched, so no egg-eating or predation.

I'm at a complete loss.
My Favs are on break too.... for several weeks now, about a month I think. One of the hens is molting something awful, poor thing. But, she's handling it pretty well.
HI, do you have supplemental lighting to extend their daylight hours. There are a few breeds that will lay almost year round, Favs have for me in the past but even they take a break or slow down when the daylight is less than 14 hours....

Thanks for replying elizmartin. I don't have supplimental light, and I considered that might be the problem. The only thing is that Faverolles aren't supposed to shut down in winter (or at least my research led me to believe this is the case when I was considering them), and they stopped laying before October.

It's completely baffling. I'm almost at the point of just giving up on owning Faverolles. I mean they're pretty and all, but I don't intend to eat them, and I don't have space to breed them. So if they don't ever lay, there's not much point to owning them.
know this is the wrong thread but I figureds why not go right to the FAV people!! I finally got some Salmon Fav eggs and hatched three I think I have two roos and a hen what do u guys think? They are 3 weeks and two have black coming in on their wings the other has pretty buff colors on the wings
I think hen
I think roo
not bad at all, definitely usable
... hard to see the feathers though, but it looks like they are only on the toes they should be
Okay here is a pic of one of my Faverolles feet. What do you think? Does she have proper toe/feather placement?

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know this is the wrong thread but I figureds why not go right to the FAV people!! I finally got some Salmon Fav eggs and hatched three I think I have two roos and a hen what do u guys think? They are 3 weeks and two have black coming in on their wings the other has pretty buff colors on the wings
I think hen
I think roo
Cute babies :D
You're right about the top one being a pullet, but don't rule out the bottom one, just yet.... at three weeks, can you see any color change in the comb? Roos get more color faster than the pullets (hard to tell in the pic)....plus, look at the pin feathers when they come out right on the top edge of the wing/shoulder area - if they're black, it's likely a boy.....

Good luck!
Cute babies :D
You're right about the top one being a pullet, but don't rule out the bottom one, just yet.... at three weeks, can you see any color change in the comb? Roos get more color faster than the pullets (hard to tell in the pic)....plus, look at the pin feathers when they come out right on the top edge of the wing/shoulder area - if they're black, it's likely a boy.....

Good luck!

I always watch the leg and shoulder feathers, black there is a boy for sure
I have a five week old hatchery Fav that has a comb that just started to pink up. Could it still be a girl? Was supposed to be a pullet.

It has a cream chest with a stripe of grey down the breastbone, wings and leg feathers are cream, reddish brown, and dark grey. From Ideal Poultry.
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I have a five week old hatchery Fav that has a comb that just started to pink up. Could it still be a girl? Was supposed to be a pullet.

It has a cream chest with a stripe of grey down the breastbone, wings and leg feathers are cream, reddish brown, and dark grey. From Ideal Poultry.

A picture of the comb might help but: Here is a picture of a 3 1/2 week old (on the left, Cubalaya on the right). You can click on it to get a bigger picture.

Notice the gray stripe down the breast and the reddish brown all over.

See the pictures of Anais in my post https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/268082/faverolles-thread/11740#post_9881684
She and Clemence are Ideal Poultry "Salmon Faverolles". Compared to the clean Salmons posted by others here, you can see that Ideals are not ideal color. I wouldn't go by color with regard to gender for I.P. Salmon Favs. OTOH, we got egg number 2 from the flock today (they are 21 weeks today), this one laid in the coop sometime this morning before they were let out at 11:30. Again small and light brown so probably from a Fav. That makes it 2 for the Favs, 0 for the other 4 breeds. The question for us is: Same bird as the one that laid an egg by the faucet on Friday? Definitely have to shove all the girls in the nest box so they see what a (hopefully) nice place it would be to lay an egg.

I don't have any 5 week old pictures, these are at 8 weeks. Anais on the top, Clemence below. Not much "Salmon" color in either of them

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