Faverolles Thread

find some one local that will custom hatch for you... and if you want to spend the money brood them for you as well... i do both for ppl here... i don't do it a bunch but have several times...

I was just PMing Ashandvine about doing that! I see a couple of ads on CL from people offering to hatch. I think I'll contact one of them today and make an appointment. This weekend I'll be separating my birds into breeding pens for a few days, a pullet pen and a cockerel pen....I'll take maybe 6 from each pen and start with that....
I may have to go pull them now then. We have had really we weather too and I am sure it will take more than one try to get the feet and legs clean. The one that I am taking is the cleanest of all of them though. I have one that looks like she dunks her whole head in a mud puddle every time it rains! Lol!

Thanks for the input you guys!

Hi Kim, I live west of Oly...in the sticks!

I have a pullet that always looks like she's been bobbing for something! - Her head is entirely soaked every time I see her, and she's the only one that looks like that :confused: Funny girl! Another one has the filthiest beard, it is obscene! I can't wait until things dry up a bit and the girls get fluffly (like a Fav should be)

I know, right? I have the same problem. I have the one that gets her whole head dirty, and one that has the blackest beard! And it's dirt! She looks like the boys, beard wise anyway. Lol!
Mission accomplished!

I would've paid good money for one of those girls ;)

Oh sure Rita, NOW you tell me

Though I think it would have been a bit difficult to deliver a broody all the way across the country. Probably break just from the stress.

n8tivetxn, If you are in the market for a broody I have one I might be willing to give up. My Araucana girls usually make great mothers. PM me if you are interested.

You should think about an incubator. I love mine.
Broodies are the best!
Hi There!
I haven't been on here in awhile. Too busy to keep up right now. But I have a question for those that show their favs or any LF.
What do you bathe your Favs in? And how long before the show? A week, a couple of days, the day before?

Thanks for any input, this is my first show and I want to at least have clean birds.

Hey Kim,
Since all the birds I show are in a heated room and in individual pens, once a week they get new shaving and their feet cleaned, That keeps the feet feathers from breaking off. I usually bathe them for a show on Wednesday. I use Ivory dish soap to wash them in and vinegar water to rinse. The vinegar water helps get out all the excess soap in the feathers. I then put them in a big pen to dry with heat lamps on them. In abut 6 hours the are dry. Hope this helps. Goodluck at your show!!!!!!!!!
Hi There!
I haven't been on here in awhile. Too busy to keep up right now. But I have a question for those that show their favs or any LF.
What do you bathe your Favs in? And how long before the show? A week, a couple of days, the day before?

Thanks for any input, this is my first show and I want to at least have clean birds. :D


Hey Kim,
Since all the birds I show are in a heated room and in individual pens, once a week they get new shaving and their feet cleaned,  That keeps the feet feathers from breaking off.  I usually bathe them for a show on Wednesday.  I use Ivory dish soap to wash them in and vinegar water to rinse.  The vinegar water helps get out all the excess soap in the feathers.  I then put them in a big pen to dry with heat lamps on them.  In abut 6 hours the are dry.  Hope this helps.  Goodluck at your show!!!!!!!!! 

Helps a lot. But I wasn't planning on showing her. Last minute decision. Lol! So she has been outside. Just want her to look as good as possible. I don't think there will be many other Favs there, so I just wanted to have them represented. She is really pretty but her foot feathers aren't in great condition. Hoping to get a judge to give me some input on her.
Hi All,
I need some genetic info. I bought some LF Blue Salmon Faverolle from an eBay seller. Only 2 eggs hatched (1 wasn't even a Fav.) the only other is looking like a pullet (the one time we were hoping for a roo)! Will this pullet carry the Blue gene?
Thanks for reading!
I have started saving eggs from my birds. Have 3 saved so far. Using the small combed cockerel to cover my hens. Hope to hatch a dozen or so chicks to start with using my brinsea. Probably won't hatch to many this year. Probably around 25-50 depending on how quickly I can save eggs and how much room I have.

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