Faverolles Thread

Hello Faverolle friends! I am sure it has been discussed before, but there are 1300 pages in this thread and I couldn't directly find the answer I was looking for. I hatched 3 faverolles from some shipped eggs. All were born exactly alike--that beautiful golden color. They are now almost 7 weeks. One is much larger and has feathered in the deep reddish brown with some white. The other two are solid white.

I have found that this white pops up on occasion, but is it okay to breed these together? I'm assuming the larger, darker of the three is a female--there is no black on it at all. The other two I have no idea about. I suppose I'm waiting for eggs or crowing. Will these now throw mostly white chicks?
you might want to post some pictures for questions like these
I will snap some this evening. I have just been watching how they've grown out thinking to myself, "What in the world? Where did those two white guys come from?" LOL It's just odd that they colored that way.

Be looking this evening--I'll try to get them on before 8. I'd be interested to know how often this happens and if anyone can sex them. We have 32 breeds, but these are my first faverolles so I'm not sure what I'm looking for with these three.
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Pasofinofarm's flock tended to produce whites. Maybe that was the parent flock of where your eggs came from.
I will snap some this evening. I have just been watching how they've grown out thinking to myself, "What in the world? Where did those two white guys come from?" LOL It's just odd that they colored that way.

Be looking this evening--I'll try to get them on before 8. I'd be interested to know how often this happens and if anyone can sex them. We have 32 breeds, but these are my first faverolles so I'm not sure what I'm looking for with these three.

I had a pair of bantam salmons, and they bred white chicks. They were from Rose Isgrigg's line, one or two steps removed. The odd thing was that I sold them when they were about four-five weeks old, and they showed NO sign of turning white. The buyer told me about it later. Don't know about breeding them together - aren't they siblings?
Okay. I have pics. I believe there were two roos and several hens--I am hoping they are not siblings. Here is what they look like:The larger of the three. His legs are feathered...you just can't see it here.

There are a few hints of black near the forewing.

This is the only black on this bird.

His little cheeks aren't as pronounced as the other two.

Now---a white one. The specks are a combination of dirt and poo. Sorry.

This one has well feathered legs and black wing tips.

The last one isn't as feathered out yet and was a toot to catch. Here she is on the far right. Her leg feathers are very light and stay close to her leg.

What do you think? Did this grouping just throw two whites? My reading says it can happen, but isn't common. I don't know if they will breed true white, or throw both if mixed with the brown one or another bird. I'm not sure on the sex of any of them either. Lost...
Okay. I have pics. I believe there were two roos and several hens--I am hoping they are not siblings. Here is what they look like:The larger of the three. His legs are feathered...you just can't see it here.

There are a few hints of black near the forewing.

This is the only black on this bird.

His little cheeks aren't as pronounced as the other two.

Now---a white one. The specks are a combination of dirt and poo. Sorry.

This one has well feathered legs and black wing tips.

The last one isn't as feathered out yet and was a toot to catch. Here she is on the far right. Her leg feathers are very light and stay close to her leg.

What do you think? Did this grouping just throw two whites? My reading says it can happen, but isn't common. I don't know if they will breed true white, or throw both if mixed with the brown one or another bird. I'm not sure on the sex of any of them either. Lost...
I hate to say it... but is there any chance of a mix up? I do not see any beards on those chicks, just a few side tufts on one
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