Faverolles Thread

Greetings all!

I have an empty coop that I am tired of looking at. It makes me sad. I would like to get 2-3 LF salmon favs. Anybody near me that would hatch them for me or can point me in a good direction to buy some fuzzy butts?

I live in South Jersey (last exit off the TPK) and am willing to drive. Or another option would be in Virginia May 10th weekend. I will be in Leesburg for a greyhound event.If anybody is from that area - I could easily pick them up Mother's Day weekend. What a greyt Mother's day gift to me that would be!

Thanks so much!
I'm in Michigan and might have something available....
How do your Faverolle's fair in cold weather? I really want to get some Faverolle's next Spring (we already got a dozen chicks for this year), but I thought I'd get some input on cold weather? I live in Montana, for a reference.
How do your Faverolle's fair in cold weather? I really want to get some Faverolle's next Spring (we already got a dozen chicks for this year), but I thought I'd get some input on cold weather? I live in Montana, for a reference.
Mine are Great they pretty much lay all year round and we get some really cold nights around here the only problem I have been keeping an eye on is the roosters combs from frostbite but Vaseline does the trick to protect them
HI, When i went to the feed store this afternoon they had Salmon Favs. chicks in and every one of them looked like your chicks here, maybe a bit more dark patterning, not as fluffy.....I didn't ask who the hatchery was.... When i first got Favs. about 6-7 years ago???? they came from Cackle and Ideal....they were all creamy yellow....All the chicks i have from both hatchery and breeder stock are creamy yellow. I never saw the pretty appy spotted Favs. that you see lots of nowadays.   eliz

I got these off this thread :) recieved 17 and 14 hatched. Only two where like that, sadly one passed, so I will keep an eye on how it feathers in. I may take a pic of the new flight feathers coming in for you guys!
I got these off this thread
recieved 17 and 14 hatched. Only two where like that, sadly one passed, so I will keep an eye on how it feathers in. I may take a pic of the new flight feathers coming in for you guys!
Thats pretty Good for shipped eggs
Hello Faverolle friends! I am sure it has been discussed before, but there are 1300 pages in this thread and I couldn't directly find the answer I was looking for. I hatched 3 faverolles from some shipped eggs. All were born exactly alike--that beautiful golden color. They are now almost 7 weeks. One is much larger and has feathered in the deep reddish brown with some white. The other two are solid white.

I have found that this white pops up on occasion, but is it okay to breed these together? I'm assuming the larger, darker of the three is a female--there is no black on it at all. The other two I have no idea about. I suppose I'm waiting for eggs or crowing. Will these now throw mostly white chicks?
Hello Faverolle friends! I am sure it has been discussed before, but there are 1300 pages in this thread and I couldn't directly find the answer I was looking for. I hatched 3 faverolles from some shipped eggs. All were born exactly alike--that beautiful golden color. They are now almost 7 weeks. One is much larger and has feathered in the deep reddish brown with some white. The other two are solid white.

I have found that this white pops up on occasion, but is it okay to breed these together? I'm assuming the larger, darker of the three is a female--there is no black on it at all. The other two I have no idea about. I suppose I'm waiting for eggs or crowing. Will these now throw mostly white chicks?
you might want to post some pictures for questions like these

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