Faverolles Thread

where did you get yours from? soo cute!

I have 2 favs, one hatched completely yellow and the other hatched with black chipmunk stripes (although not as defined as yours). the one with black stripes turned out to be a girl, the yellow one a boy!

you can't go off their down color at hatch. you can only go on the wing feathers as they fill in. I was making guesses at 1 week old, but by 2 weeks I knew for sure.
here are pics of my male and female sexing: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/268082/faverolles-thread/14430#post_12893484

Thank you Viola ... My chickens were bought here in Costa Rica, no special breeder, but I'm assuming they are Faverolle mixes, - they don't have the 5th toe but have muffs, beard and foot feathers. These chicks hatched from the eggs from my chickens, - I just let a broody hen sit on about 6 eggs. One egg was bad and the hen is young so she sat on the first chick just at it had hatched - (it didn't make it - it was a black like the brood hen). But she seems pretty good now, so maybe there's a chance the rest will make it.

I was surprised to hear that the "chipmunk" color might be a girl. I will keep my eye on them and see how their feathers develop. I'll let you know. Thanks for responding.
- Donna
where did you get yours from? soo cute!

I have 2 favs, one hatched completely yellow and the other hatched with black chipmunk stripes (although not as defined as yours). the one with black stripes turned out to be a girl, the yellow one a boy!

you can't go off their down color at hatch. you can only go on the wing feathers as they fill in. I was making guesses at 1 week old, but by 2 weeks I knew for sure.
here are pics of my male and female sexing: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/268082/faverolles-thread/14430#post_12893484

Hi Viola,

Thanks .... I think they're pretty cute too :) I got my chickens here in Costa Rica, no special breeder. I think they are Faverolle mixes - they have the muffs, beard, & feathered feet, but no fifth toe. These chicks come from the eggs I've collected. I had a young broody hen, so I just let her sit on about 6 eggs. One egg was bad, the first chick hatched was a black, but the hen sat on it, killing it, but the rest hatched fine. She seems fine with them now, so hopefully they will have a good chance now.

I was surprised to hear that the one with "chipmunk" coloring is probably a girl. I will just have to watch and see I guess. I'm learning something new everyday. I love it though, love seeing my chickens roaming around our house. I especially love to see a hen with a bunch of chicks, it's so cool!
Well, thanks for responding, :)
- Donna
Hi Viola,

Thanks .... I think they're pretty cute too :) I got my chickens here in Costa Rica, no special breeder. I think they are Faverolle mixes - they have the muffs, beard, & feathered feet, but no fifth toe. These chicks come from the eggs I've collected. I had a young broody hen, so I just let her sit on about 6 eggs. One egg was bad, the first chick hatched was a black, but the hen sat on it, killing it, but the rest hatched fine. She seems fine with them now, so hopefully they will have a good chance now.

I was surprised to hear that the one with "chipmunk" coloring is probably a girl. I will just have to watch and see I guess. I'm learning something new everyday. I love it though, love seeing my chickens roaming around our house. I especially love to see a hen with a bunch of chicks, it's so cool!
Well, thanks for responding, :)
- Donna
HI, since your chickens are different in coloration and potentially crossbreds it may be hard to sex Your chicks by color methods. There are shapes and the way they stand and act that may help You as You watch them grow a bit. I have 2 bantam chicks that have stronger legs, straighter stance & fierce attitude. After several days the colors turned out to be males. Females are often finer boned, more rounded and humpy than males. Thanks for sharing…Keep us posted on their growing, :).
HI, since your chickens are different in coloration and potentially crossbreds it may be hard to sex Your chicks by color methods. There are shapes and the way they stand and act that may help You as You watch them grow a bit. I have 2 bantam chicks that have stronger legs, straighter stance & fierce attitude. After several days the colors turned out to be males. Females are often finer boned, more rounded and humpy than males. Thanks for sharing…Keep us posted on their growing, :).
What you said reminded me of what I've been told down here - - I thought it might be an "old wive's tale" or something, but maybe there's something to it. I've been told that the rounder the eggs are that they will be female and the more oblong eggs will most likely be males. Is there anything to that? I've tried picking out more rounded eggs, but really haven't followed through with knowing whether they were more males or females. I've given several chicks away to a mission here, so not sure what they were ...
hey everyone, I just got some Faverolles and I am thinking one is a rooster? Is anyone thinking the same?
I think this is the rooster

This one is definitely a pullet, but I am just showing the comparison. What do you all think?
hey everyone, I just got some Faverolles and I am thinking one is a rooster? Is anyone thinking the same?
I think this is the rooster

This one is definitely a pullet, but I am just showing the comparison. What do you all think?
The top one could be a rooster or a pullet. My guess is a pullet. The second is definitely a pullet.
What you said reminded me of what I've been told down here - - I thought it might be an "old wive's tale" or something, but maybe there's something to it. I've been told that the rounder the eggs are that they will be female and the more oblong eggs will most likely be males. Is there anything to that? I've tried picking out more rounded eggs, but really haven't followed through with knowing whether they were more males or females. I've given several chicks away to a mission here, so not sure what they were ...
I had heard that also but when i tried sorting that way it didn't really come out….Maybe it would with Your eggs????? Try it and let us know how they come out :) Also some breeds have particular shaped eggs….My New Hampshire hen has big, almost round eggs….LF Favs, a long oval egg, same with my blacks….The Bantam Favs eggs are evenly shaped like those You find in the store cartons.

When i spoke of shapes previously i mean't the chicks once they were hatched...
We got five chicks free with a bag of feed a few days ago and one of them was a faverolle! Not knowing much about the breed I only got one, but now I wish I had gotten two! I've heard great things, and they're so cute as adults.
Here's our little Medusa.

Medusa, Beast Rider!
Elizmartin, your rooster in your avatar is a beaute. He reminds me of my 3 roo's I had to part ways because of county codes.

To make a long story short, I had acquired 6 baby chicks last September and hadn't a clue as to the breed. All I knew is I had 6 black chicks. It turned out, I had 3 boys and 3 girls. I'd only taken a quick glance at the chickens and had assumed they were Aracaunas but was pleasantly surprised when after 12 weeks, I pleased to discover that Daddy was a Salmon Faverolles (photo available through my avatar). Their coloration came in beautifully on the three roosters...stunningly beautiful. I finally returned to the small farm where I was fortunate enough to "help out through chick adoption" as the folks in charge of the flock were away on an extended vacation. I was pleasantly surprised again by the discovery of a nice Black Faverolles hen in their open-range flock.

The three young ladies as I refer to them are all now laying beautiful light brown eggs almost daily (average 16-18 eggs per week amongst the three of them which we discovered we had to add another nesting box)...and talk about a wonderful disposition!!! They hear me call them by name...they come a runnin'!!! They follow me everywhere.

I've read that they are not the greatest in defending themselves. I guess my three ladies have defied the odds. They literally lower their heads, raise their tails and chase other birds and even cats out of my yard. My little mini dachshund won't even go near them. Guard Hens???

I laugh because all three literally hold "conversations" as we mimic their hen talk. They are pretty hardy, considering they just endured one of the coolest winters we'd seen in years.

Can you tell I enjoy my three ladies???

(In a shout out to all who are thinking of acquiring Faverolles... You're choosing the right breed!!!)

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