Faverolles Thread

as much as i would enjoy seeing "some" people i did a search on price-line and for the $307 version i'd have to take the bus from the motel to the fairgrounds, which i'm not really opposed to doing, but i just can't spare the money. i have something else that is far more important. so not gonna happen. i would enjoy going over the favs and meeting new breeders but alas i have to be realistic.
as much as i would enjoy seeing "some" people i did a search on price-line and for the $307 version i'd have to take the bus from the motel to the fairgrounds, which i'm not really opposed to doing, but i just can't spare the money. i have something else that is far more important. so not gonna happen. i would enjoy going over the favs and meeting new breeders but alas i have to be realistic.

totally understand
me too but
. Let's schedule a southern national in the next year or two in like alabama or something that maybe some in the south can come to! What's a big show down in that neck of the woods
gee thanks? but that's a state I only fly over....
with those crossed fingers we don't crash. I'm not even sure about northern GA. I really don't think I'll ever show again, although I must tell you the Simmie daughter I have I feel I could LF champion in a heart beat under a knowledgeable judge! She's really that nice. I have two brothers, one I like but will have to breed quickly as he has a hock problem, the other one, well let's just say he would offer someone a chance to add extreme type to a flock. He is not a show bird though. My oldest Britgirl son, Daniel, is by far the nicest son of hers I've ever had, well except Arthur who died in the great plague of 2011. I have two Arthur sons out of Adore Me that are absolute knock-outs and several daughters from that cross that are looking super nice also. The Clarissa girls are very very nice. I only wish the Britgirl daughters were turning out as nice as Clarissa. FAB type but off color. Not sure what I'm going to do with them. Wish just one would have looked like Cannabis, I was really hopeful but hopes are sometimes dashed. I have a younger Bgirl son that is showing a funky comb in the front - that is very atypical of her sons. I am willing to send him out but only if whoever gets him will use him once and then put him down. If I ever hear of someone getting any birds from me and not doing that as opposed to selling them off or at some sleazy auction, I will personally hunt that person down and do bodily harm to them. NO JOKE. Oh I'm sorry I've had a bit of vodka and cranberry so I'm venting again Leisha....-)
Everyone have fun
gee thanks? but that's a state I only fly over....
with those crossed fingers we don't crash. I'm not even sure about northern GA. I really don't think I'll ever show again, although I must tell you the Simmie daughter I have I feel I could LF champion in a heart beat under a knowledgeable judge! She's really that nice. I have two brothers, one I like but will have to breed quickly as he has a hock problem, the other one, well let's just say he would offer someone a chance to add extreme type to a flock. He is not a show bird though. My oldest Britgirl son, Daniel, is by far the nicest son of hers I've ever had, well except Arthur who died in the great plague of 2011. I have two Arthur sons out of Adore Me that are absolute knock-outs and several daughters from that cross that are looking super nice also. The Clarissa girls are very very nice. I only wish the Britgirl daughters were turning out as nice as Clarissa. FAB type but off color. Not sure what I'm going to do with them. Wish just one would have looked like Cannabis, I was really hopeful but hopes are sometimes dashed. I have a younger Bgirl son that is showing a funky comb in the front - that is very atypical of her sons. I am willing to send him out but only if whoever gets him will use him once and then put him down. If I ever hear of someone getting any birds from me and not doing that as opposed to selling them off or at some sleazy auction, I will personally hunt that person down and do bodily harm to them. NO JOKE. Oh I'm sorry I've had a bit of vodka and cranberry so I'm venting again Leisha....-)
Everyone have fun

love it peter. i have been doing alot of venting myself lately LOL
This sounds exciting...i know that some projects use more than one breed to ultimately form the foundation. I am just learning about genetics and have a long way to go but have been lurking on several other breed conversations about color breeding. Think its hard to choose lines that will not take away from what makes Favarolles what they are and not change their *look* (to me, many bantam Ameracaunas have a DeAnver look)..... Dual breed with quality meat, good yearly laying production of off white eggs with a sweet puppy dog temperament..... body type, feather type, comb type, skin color, 5 toes with muffy beard. And then after all that to be lucky to not introduce some weird trait or something....

Good Luck, eliz
This sounds exciting...i know that some projects use more than one breed to ultimately form the foundation. I am just learning about genetics and have a long way to go but have been lurking on several other breed conversations about color breeding. Think its hard to choose lines that will not take away from what makes Favarolles what they are and not change their *look* (to me, many bantam Ameracaunas have a DeAnver look)..... Dual breed with quality meat, good yearly laying production of off white eggs with a sweet puppy dog temperament..... body type, feather type, comb type, skin color, 5 toes with muffy beard. And then after all that to be lucky to not introduce some weird trait or something....

Good Luck, eliz

I received the box for the raffle. Thank you
Speaking of raffle.... I am almost finished with the ornaments for the raffle. We will have 6 sets of egg ornaments to raffle. This was my first attempt at these type of ornaments so they aren't peerfect but they are gorgeous. There were some egg ornaments raffled at Shawnee last year and LOTS of tickets were sold for them! Also with the $5 in proceeds from the sale of soap to SPM I have bought something cute and "chickeny". Woohoo!! It's almost here!!

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