Faverolles Thread

Secondly, sorry!! It is very lightly tinted, a nice off white. Perhaps you'll be happy to see what I post next in reply to keesmom's comment...
Lastly, Yipes! I sure hope no one falls and bounces off the shelf! Sheesh. I'll have to watch out for that folly.

Oh and this morning, one of the girls that I put on the shelf [and removed from snoozing in the nest box!] was still up on the roost!! Big girl, now!

I would call mine slightly pinkish tinted off white.
I'm not sure they fall off so much as are shoved off! Either for trying to push by or by a girl pushing by.
Congrats on the girl that stayed on the roost. Maybe they just never thought about sitting up there!

Mine range from off white to brown. I can get a picture tomorrow of the latest haul from this year's pullets to show the whole range if you are interested.

That would be great, thanks. I suspect at SOME time I'll figure out who lays what by being in the right place at the right time but there are only so many weekends and they've gone to bed by the time I get there after work. I found this picture over in a Chantecler thread so it looks like they can lay a range of very light to medium browns as well.

I have had faverolles that lay from a pretty dark brown to light brown tinted eggs. It varies bird to bird it isn't even a line thing. Faverolles are supposed to have red earlobes and many have enameling on their ear lobes (haven't looked at the girls I have yet will tomorrow) From talking to Dick he said that birds that lay the darker eggs often have red earlobes free of enameling.

Ah, I'll look for that. Thanks.
I have had faverolles that lay from a pretty dark brown to light brown tinted eggs. It varies bird to bird it isn't even a line thing. Faverolles are supposed to have red earlobes and many have enameling on their ear lobes (haven't looked at the girls I have yet will tomorrow) From talking to Dick he said that birds that lay the darker eggs often have red earlobes free of enameling.
Yup, which is why I've been watching for darker eggs. Now I have to figure out which of the 11 is producing them.

Are your girls noisy Henry? The ones still here have to be the NOISIEST bunch of girls I have ever had.
Are your girls noisy Henry? The ones still here have to be the NOISIEST bunch of girls I have ever had.

I believe Henry got a mix of your and Dick's birds [?], but the two girls I got from you are quite chatty. I wouldn't call it noisy since the sound level is low, but they are very mumbly grumbly chatty things! By far and away the "noisiest" of my little flock. Always making some kind of chatter.

Does that sound [pun intended] like your girls?
Its funny you would talk about chatty Favs because the ones I have have been 'chatty' since they were hatched. I thought it was something I was doing wrong and they were complaining but now I don't think so. They are squirreling and peeping even when they settle down for the night.

Think they are darlings. I have been watching them in the mixed flock of young birds. They seem to be alright so far. (we need a nailbiting emoticon)
I believe Henry got a mix of your and Dick's birds [?], but the two girls I got from you are quite chatty. I wouldn't call it noisy since the sound level is low, but they are very mumbly grumbly chatty things! By far and away the "noisiest" of my little flock. Always making some kind of chatter.

Does that sound [pun intended] like your girls?
The older ones are chatty from time to time but do take a break. The new ones never want to stop, and 2 yell frequently during the day. They've even been starting up at 5 am lately.

Here are updated pictures of my bantams. My roo is still aggressive, and while a bit amusing because of his size, I've decided he's going to go. Great dispositons on Faverolles are their hallmark.
Yup, which is why I've been watching for darker eggs. Now I have to figure out which of the 11 is producing them.

Are your girls noisy Henry? The ones still here have to be the NOISIEST bunch of girls I have ever had.
Yeah they have gotten really really noisy in the last couple of weeks. They seem to never stop talking. Just cleaned the coop and let them out to free range for a bit. Hopefully they start laying soon. They have been checking out the nest boxes more and more often. We will see I guess.
I believe Henry got a mix of your and Dick's birds [?], but the two girls I got from you are quite chatty. I wouldn't call it noisy since the sound level is low, but they are very mumbly grumbly chatty things! By far and away the "noisiest" of my little flock. Always making some kind of chatter.

Does that sound [pun intended] like your girls?
Yes I have 4 from Dick and 2 from Cindy. They are all pretty darn noisy though. The whole faverolles group that is. The older laying hens don't make half the noise. But it all seems to have started up in the last week or so so I think they are getting ramped up to lay soon.

Here are updated pictures of my bantams. My roo is still aggressive, and while a bit amusing because of his size, I've decided he's going to go. Great dispositons on Faverolles are their hallmark.

I really like your male. I myself am not thrilled in breeding from an aggressive male but looking at him I would take a chance. I would probably segregate him with just one or two hens and hatch about 2 dozen eggs before I got rid of him. Some of his sons could be aggresssive but you might get a few that won't be. Where did you get them.
Yes I have 4 from Dick and 2 from Cindy. They are all pretty darn noisy though. The whole faverolles group that is. The older laying hens don't make half the noise. But it all seems to have started up in the last week or so so I think they are getting ramped up to lay soon.
I have a couple pullets that growls until they lay their egg for the day. It is hillarious!!!!!!!!!!!!

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