Faverolles Thread

Here's the Chick X:

Here's Chick X again, with Salmon pullet in background:

Chick X headshot:

Finally, the Salmon pullett again.

In case it wasn't clear, these all came from the same breeder, all hatched at the same time. From Boulanger and Buffington lines...
Thanks again!

Definitely hang onto him and update us in a month or 2... I found it is often best to not judge color til 8+ months, and even then they often develop further. He reminds me of my pullet breeding boys at that age
I wish to no longer follow this thread or speak of Favorells again!

I only subscribed so a 4H friend would have some help getting stock and learning more about the Salmon Faverells. I am an Orpington fellow. Just not into fethered shanks and stuff. We attended the Poultry Breeding and Genetics in the Small Flock Meetup seminar yesterday. Dr. Bramwell brought more hatching eggs, at my request. So i took home some. I now have 6 Salmon Favorells eggs incubating! Its really all heritagehabitatfarms (Elias) fault. Had he not UNPLUGGED his incubator, he would have taken them.

My luck.... all 6 eggs will hatch! Guess I better start building a Salmon Faverolles coop.

Its all this thread and Elias fault!

Rant over... will go back to the shadows!


I wish to no longer follow this thread or speak of Favorells again!

My luck.... all 6 eggs will hatch! Guess I better start building a Salmon Faverolles coop.

Its all this thread and Elias fault!

Rant over... will go back to the shadows!



faverolles are the most addicting breed~ they are priceless...glad to see you have been infected!
I wish to no longer follow this thread or speak of Favorells again!

I only subscribed so a 4H friend would have some help getting stock and learning more about the Salmon Faverells. I am an Orpington fellow. Just not into fethered shanks and stuff. We attended the Poultry Breeding and Genetics in the Small Flock Meetup seminar yesterday. Dr. Bramwell brought more hatching eggs, at my request. So i took home some. I now have 6 Salmon Favorells eggs incubating! Its really all heritagehabitatfarms (Elias) fault. Had he not UNPLUGGED his incubator, he would have taken them.

My luck.... all 6 eggs will hatch! Guess I better start building a Salmon Faverolles coop.

Its all this thread and Elias fault!

Rant over... will go back to the shadows!


should have sent them to me LOL, BTW my friends cockerel from your Buff Orpington eggs is the spitting image of your Country Gentleman
I need your educated help. About 6 weeks ago I hatched out what was supposed to be Salmon Faverolles eggs. I got four chicks and anxiously waited to see what sex they would be, believing that coloring would be the answer. Often I am able to tell by the emergence of tail feathers, with pullets developing them before cockerels. To my dismay, the "darker" chicks developed tail feathers first, and the lighter ones, later. However, using the salmon coloring, it appeared that I had one pullet (small tail feathers) and two dark cockerels (with longer feathers). But then there was this chick:

In the bottom right corner you see a cockerel, eating pasture with long tail feather against the water. To the left, you see this brownish faverolles, with short tail feathers and lacking the black coloring of the cockerel. This is Chick X.

Here is what the clearly salmon pullet looks like:

Easy to tell this is a Salmon Faverolles pullet. To her immediate right, another cockerel.

So, can anyone tell me if Chick X is a pullet or a cockerel? Is this an off Salmon? Or another color that got into my eggs?
Thank you in advance!
I wish to no longer follow this thread or speak of Favorells again!

I only subscribed so a 4H friend would have some help getting stock and learning more about the Salmon Faverells. I am an Orpington fellow. Just not into fethered shanks and stuff. We attended the Poultry Breeding and Genetics in the Small Flock Meetup seminar yesterday. Dr. Bramwell brought more hatching eggs, at my request. So i took home some. I now have 6 Salmon Favorells eggs incubating! Its really all heritagehabitatfarms (Elias) fault. Had he not UNPLUGGED his incubator, he would have taken them.

My luck.... all 6 eggs will hatch! Guess I better start building a Salmon Faverolles coop.

Its all this thread and Elias fault!

Rant over... will go back to the shadows!


Welcome to the Dark side (or should I say Salmon?).

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