Faverolles Thread

ok, thanks! going to add it to the arsenal... have a bantam cochin roo that has chronic issues... maybe it will help...

I find that sometimes chronic responds better to "natural" rather then drugs, good luck w/ it

...and remember to take some yourself if you get the flu, shortens the duration and severity
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/img/smilies/wee.gif   kindred spirits!!!

DS and I fell in love with bantam Salmon Favs at  a big show several years ago, and while looking for them I found BYC, and Barnevelders, of which we bought 6.  I finally found some Standard Salmon Faverolle eggs in August.  6 of 15 eggs hatched, by two banty broodies, one of whom had 2 others trying to take over her nest the first week.

One chick stopped growing at 5 days, but ran around with the others just fine; on day 10 he didn't wake up.  At 2 weeks their colors began to look like 3 pullets, a roo, and a mystery (a lovely cinnamon but not clear roo or pullet).

The cockerel met with a sad end two nights ago when an older cockerel attacked him and excited the dog, who grabbed him for just a sec, and broke his poor neck. He died fast. /img/smilies/hit.gif  We're still in shock.  We've been offered a Bantam Salmon Fav roo. /img/smilies/love.gif

Has anyone crossed LF and Bantam Favs?  I will let him be with them but I don't plan to hatch their eggs 'til I hear back from y'all. /img/smilies/idunno.gif
I found a bantam Favorelle roo that I hope to breed with my salmon Favorelle and would love to know how the cross works out.
I found a bantam Favorelle roo that I hope to breed with my salmon Favorelle and would love to know how the cross works out.
I think that the law of averages will be something in between, plus some smaller and some bigger. It will only matter if down the line you wish to sell the offspring as LF or Bantam when they won't necessarily produce what their size is supposed to be.....I am thinking that if you mention where you live that maybe there will be someone that has Favs close??? Also check with your feed stores...some do bring in Favs as well with the usual standard birds. (not usually bantams thou). eliz
Unless you're breeding for something specific with the size, I would wait. It would take years of breeding to get those size genes out. The bantams would be too big, and the LF too small. If you let us know where you are, someone is always looking to unload extra males that will be the right size. (Besides, I don't know how much luck the little guy would have - mine tries his best with the big girls, but all he manages is a good neck massage.)
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Unless you're breeding for something specific with the size, I would wait.  It would take years of breeding to get those size genes out.  The bantams would be too big, and the LF too small.  If you let us know where you are, someone is always looking to unload extra males that will be the right size. (Besides, I don't know how much luck the little guy would have - mine tries his best with the big girls, but all he manages is a good neck massage.)

I would love to find a good roo for this girl. I think she is so pretty and could have some lovely babies.
I live in the Sacramento-foothills area. If there is anyone out here with Favorelles.
Thanks! The snow started here early this morning, we've got several inches already and no signs of slowing. Hopefully my husband's restaurant will call and tell him not to come in...he's not even supposed to be there for another couple of hours, and it's already hairy enough out there that his 40-minute drive will be a LOT longer than that. The Faverolles have two buckets of hot water, fresh feed, and a clean coop which they are thoroughly ignoring to go hang out in the barn with the goats. They've been through this snow thing before, and while there's a definite air of "this again! FML..." around the coop this morning, they'll live.

Here's hoping that the 40-degree week on my weather app is indeed coming next week - we're supposed to start moving next weekend...
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I was just outside pulling a tarp over my coop. My chickens being warm is much more important then me. I have two salmons faverolles who are the sweetest chickens ever! I really wish I could have a rooster, but my town doesn't allow it! The roosters are so pretty though! I should write to the town board.
I found a bantam Favorelle roo that I hope to breed with my salmon Favorelle and would love to know how the cross works out.

Normally breeding a bantam to a large fowl you would get all intermediate birds. Not big enough for a large and not small enough for a bantam. Then you would need to breed the intermediates together, brother to sister. Will have to hatch a lot of chicks. 50% of the chicks will be intermediates, 25% should be larger than the large fowl you used and 25% should be smaller than the bantam you used. This is based on hatching about 100 chicks.

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