Faverolles Thread

Hi There!
I haven't been on here in awhile. Too busy to keep up right now. But I have a question for those that show their favs or any LF.
What do you bathe your Favs in? And how long before the show? A week, a couple of days, the day before?

Thanks for any input, this is my first show and I want to at least have clean birds.

Hi There!
I haven't been on here in awhile. Too busy to keep up right now. But I have a question for those that show their favs or any LF.
What do you bathe your Favs in? And how long before the show? A week, a couple of days, the day before?

Thanks for any input, this is my first show and I want to at least have clean birds.

I usually get to mine 2 or three days before the show, although you're supposed to allow them more time to put the oil back int heir feathers. I have a hard time keeping them clean that long, however. I usually just use dog shampoo - this time I tried the whitening kind - and then a bit of conditioner. Make sure you get their feet! I have a little nail brush I use to get their toes nice and clean.
Hi There!
I haven't been on here in awhile. Too busy to keep up right now. But I have a question for those that show their favs or any LF.
What do you bathe your Favs in? And how long before the show? A week, a couple of days, the day before?

Thanks for any input, this is my first show and I want to at least have clean birds.


I did give mine a spa day 3 days before the Congress show, some people did them the day before and their feathers were still all wonky so I would say no closer then 3... also I did a utility bath 2 weeks before when I pulled them from the outdoor pens to go into the basement to get ready for the show- they were a mess due to the amount of rain we had been having. In the "utility" bath, I really scrubbed them good, esp their feet, then I oiled their combs and feet good, used a spot on dog flea product and finished w/ a very light mist of mink oil over their feathers. Couple days later and they were like new LOL. The final bath was not a soak to the skin bath, rather it was a touch up... I did re-wash their feet a couple times a week as they had some serious dirt under their scales- basically I filled the tub w/ HOT soapy water, like you would want for a long bath (chickens have a higher body temp then we do), and fed them treats while they just stood in it and soaked their feet... I actually think they liked it, as they NEVER tried to get out LOL Must have done something right because the hen who is my current avatar went first in her class
Quote: I may have to go pull them now then. We have had really we weather too and I am sure it will take more than one try to get the feet and legs clean. The one that I am taking is the cleanest of all of them though. I have one that looks like she dunks her whole head in a mud puddle every time it rains! Lol!

Thanks for the input you guys!
I may have to go pull them now then. We have had really we weather too and I am sure it will take more than one try to get the feet and legs clean. The one that I am taking is the cleanest of all of them though. I have one that looks like she dunks her whole head in a mud puddle every time it rains! Lol!

Thanks for the input you guys!

GOOD PLAN! Have fun at the show and good luck
Just sticking it out there for those that might want to add a few pullets for an egg flock each year, or whatever. It is also a great trick for anyone who has frequent power outages and wants to raise out just a few chicks.. all I know is it sure beats me trying to raise them LOL

I hear that! I keep debating whether or not to invest in a 'bator - man, I really want one (found a nice one on CL!). But then, I get to play momma to a bunch of chicks
Good grief, I do not have time for that!

..... I keep hoping somebody in the hen house will go broody soon.....When I left on vacation in early February I had a broody setting, but something must've happened or she gave up 'cause I got 0 chicks
She was a first timer though, so I gotta cut her a break....
Hi all, hope you don't mind me joining in. Hope to get some fav chicks in about a month so just saying hi so I can subscribe to this thread :)

Welcome to the thread! - I was looking at the pics of your kids, they are precious! Love them!......Another reason for me to have a 'bator!? Bwahahaha!
I may have to go pull them now then. We have had really we weather too and I am sure it will take more than one try to get the feet and legs clean. The one that I am taking is the cleanest of all of them though. I have one that looks like she dunks her whole head in a mud puddle every time it rains! Lol!

Thanks for the input you guys!

Hi Kim, I live west of Oly...in the sticks!

I have a pullet that always looks like she's been bobbing for something! - Her head is entirely soaked every time I see her, and she's the only one that looks like that
Funny girl! Another one has the filthiest beard, it is obscene! I can't wait until things dry up a bit and the girls get fluffly (like a Fav should be)
find some one local that will custom hatch for you... and if you want to spend the money brood them for you as well... i do both for ppl here... i don't do it a bunch but have several times...
I hear that! I keep debating whether or not to invest in a 'bator - man, I really want one (found a nice one on CL!). But then, I get to play momma to a bunch of chicks
Good grief, I do not have time for that!

..... I keep hoping somebody in the hen house will go broody soon.....When I left on vacation in early February I had a broody setting, but something must've happened or she gave up 'cause I got 0 chicks
She was a first timer though, so I gotta cut her a break....
Hi There!
I haven't been on here in awhile. Too busy to keep up right now. But I have a question for those that show their favs or any LF.
What do you bathe your Favs in? And how long before the show? A week, a couple of days, the day before?

Thanks for any input, this is my first show and I want to at least have clean birds.

HI Kim, i'm guessing the Monroe show coming up.....Hope to just visit before work.....a page or 2 back there was a link to someone that talked of show prep and i think they keep their washed birds in a large cage will LOTS of fresh shavings to keep their feeties clean....It may not be posted, but there is a 15.00 prize for best Bantam, and best LF Faverolle at the show....
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