Faverolles Thread

After watching my babies grow I think I may have gotten three roo's out of my order of 5 straight run. Can any one else confirm?

The middle is obviously a roo. Not sure bout the other two.
They just have so much black in them and on top of thier heads.
Im no pro, and dont even have any of these yet, but from what ive read and learned i am seeing 2 pullets and a roo in those 3 pics...but am eager to read what those with more experience have to say on the matter

The middle is obviously a roo. Not sure bout the other two.
They just have so much black in them and on top of thier heads.
Top and bottom are pullets, middle is a cockerel. I assume the other 2 look like the middle one? Then you have 3 cockerels and 2 pullets.
No the other two are definately pullets. They have lots of nice white and salmon feathering.
So, I guess I got only one cockrel. That is good. :0)
I would love to know what you've done to help tame your chickens. We're new to chickens, so I am eager to learn from experts. :)

I'm also wondering about their personalities and development. I know, I know, I can't compare them to the other chickens in my flock, but my little one seems to be so much slower than the other three (different breeds). These guys like to sit on their roost, but my salmon faverolle won't get on it at all. Is it because of the difference in toes? Or is she just a slow bloomer? Or do I need to make a different roost for making it easier for my girl?


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Hi Danica

I spend time sitting in a fold out chair, handing out snacks, like black oil sunflower seeds or tearing small bites of bread and handing to each girl that comes up.... I usually don't handle mine, but I've had them jump up on my lap when I'm sitting :)

My girls are shameless! They're always at my feet, they jump for treats
Anyway, that's how I do it!
I would love to know what you've done to help tame your chickens. We're new to chickens, so I am eager to learn from experts. :)

Lets see, food, food and more food lol

No expert but it only took two weeks with our 10 week old never handled birds for us to get them climbing on knees and being petted. (See my previous post)

What we used was chick weed (don't know if that's just an Australian weed) and chick starter moistened with hot water then cooled.

We first got them used to us by just hanging out in the pen

Then used to eating the weed or moist chick starter from a small lid held by us (put it out first in the lid unheld so they know that container has something yummy when you start holding it)

Then we moved on to touching their backs as they are eating. Getting them to put the two together as a good thing.

Then moved onto scratching them under the chin. Seems to scare them less than the top of the head.

All up it took two weeks but the most progress was in the last week when we discovered the wet feed was like lollies to them.

Good luck!! They are wonderful pets :)
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