Faverolles Thread

Just put some older chicks on the ground today :love
I only have a trio of older birds, so I put them together in the breeding pen, and sat and watched for bullying, but the older faverolles just watched the chicks for a little bit, cautiously, and then decided they weren't a threat. Such a lovely breed.


Of course, the little ones where in heaven!



They are a month and a half old. They where shipped from piperomar, and out of 17 eggs, I hatched 12 I think... Lost two, and now have 6 pretty little pullets and 4 cockerels that I will wait to see who stays or gos!
Question for those who know more than I do about Salmon Faverolles (which would be just about everybody here): Do you think this is a pullet or cockerel?

I'm thinking pullet. I've got some other birds with much darker primaries that I presume are cockerels. My oldest daughter named one Fuzzy, and I'm telling her that it's this one on the off chance that I've got to either re home or eat the cockerels.

The two in the top left and on the right of the box are my Faverolles. They're also joined by five Buckeye chicks (including the most blonde one I've ever seen). It would appear to my untrained eyes that the bird on the top right is almost certainly a cockerel, it's also the biggest of the chicks. The other three I'm leaning more towards pullets. Thoughts on that?

Thanks for your thoughts and any advice you may have. These are the first chickens I've ever had; it's been an amazing adventure already and I am thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to see them grow up.

Top photo is a Pullet
Top right in box I believe you are right the best I can tell is a roo.
I also believe the rest are pullets.
I got my first Salmon [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Faverolles in Feb. I just love them. They are definitely one of my favorite breeds. They are the most comically that I have ever

Unfortunately mine are very dark
but I still think they are pretty. The next ones I get will come from a breeder and not a hatchery.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You will also learn a lot from reading the forums on this site. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine. [/FONT]
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