Faverolles Thread

I wish you did live closer........ You would be going home with probably 20 plus LOL

if all the ones that I set continue on track I will have more then 50 to select from for growing out,will cull very hard at the incubator though so probably be more like 25. Of yours Dana, I only tossed 4 so keep your fingers crossed they continue to do well. Setting another big batch right after these.
if all the ones that I set continue on track I will have more then 50 to select from for growing out,will cull very hard at the incubator though so probably be more like 25. Of yours Dana, I only tossed 4 so keep your fingers crossed they continue to do well. Setting another big batch right after these.
YAY Sandi....... (fingers crossed) I would have culled at the incubator but there were no issues with any of them that's how I ended up with soooo many
But soo happy I must be doing something right...
Hi everyone! Haven't posted here in a long while but I'm looking for opinions on the sex of these chicks. My broody hatched 7 faverolles a little over 3 weeks ago. I have 3 that are black chested boys. One pale salmon girl. And three that look like this...

side (one on right)
(I know the ones on the left are boys.)
they have salmon coming in at the back of their necks but the chests are white and grey mixed in. In the side view pic it looks like black but it's actually sooty grey and white, whereas the known boys are black. Feathered in fast, not slow like the boys so I had hoped they're girls so I didn't end up with 1 girl & 6 boys. Thoughts?

This is suzie Q my lil smutty hen she is perfect except for her darker muffs any suggestions on who I should pair her up with I love her type and all around disposition and heard that breeding her to a lighter roo would make for awesome cockerals Yes?????

This is suzie Q my lil smutty hen she is perfect except for her darker muffs any suggestions on who I should pair her up with I love her type and all around disposition and heard that breeding her to a lighter roo would make for awesome cockerals Yes?????

I would pair her with a cockerel that had good rich color, this will make more like him. Breeding to a washed out roo (lighter) *might* make a selection of both light and dark... but could just as easily make mud. Check her comb carefully (shape, size and points) before using her for cockerel production as the chicks get their comb from their Mom.
I would pair her with a cockerel that had good rich color, this will make more like him. Breeding to a washed out roo (lighter) *might* make a selection of both light and dark... but could just as easily make mud. Check her comb carefully (shape, size and points) before using her for cockerel production as the chicks get their comb from their Mom.

Head shot of Miss Suzie ?? (Sandi)

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