Faverolles Thread

Ok, I got a few pics of my favs and chicks today, it was so nice out......

These 2 are from the youngest group - the cat is passing by!

The 2 bros....

One of the sisters - she expects a treat from me :)

One of the older chicks

Mamma hiding with the chicks
These are the 2 criminals in charge. The one in front (with orange) is a friendly roo, the one in back is one step from the soup pot!

I can't get away from the girls! Always a bunch under my feet!

Learning to be a good forager....

One of the older chicks, she's very light - and slow developing

The black roo is 1/2 fav, 1/2 fr. marans - he's adorable

Looks like he's wearing grey fuzzy bunny shoes!

See the difference btw hatchmates, the light girl is so small. Recently she's catching up....

Last one! Mamma has a pile of chicks when they go in at night - to see it is true comedy! That is a juvie roo piled in there with them! LOL.....You can see the broody Fav hen in her box. Excuse the mess, I can't clean it proper with her sitting....you know how it is....
Further to my question about my skinny looking favs I was reading the australian standard and noticed in undesirable it said hollow breasted birds. That pretty much sums up what they look like so I'm hoping that I've got to the bottom of why they look skinny from the front. Has anyone seen good examples of this so I can compare to mine?

Also noticing grey ish feathers starting to come in on one of the beards :-(
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Hey appps, the pic of my 2 roosters isn't very helpful, but the one with the better color - has a "hollow" breast, at least, compared to the rooster who's "one step from the soup pot." The more colorful roo is the better behaved guy, but his bully brother is a bigger, more robust bird. Deeper keel and wider across the back too
I just wish he wouldn't attack me
He also has a slightly better comb and toe placement than his bro....

My two little guys, if you can see their hackles, have freckles all in there! - But, I think it will grow out, and I think you'll be surprised to see how your roo will change as he continues to develop. Also, I'm not sure if you should judge their keel, they still have growing to do

Don't despair!
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LOL! That's a good mamma

My Fav broody should be a first time mamma this coming Friday-Sunday, I can't remember exactly, but this weekend for sure! Poor things, they sure look miserable when they sit!

Congrats on your Astralorp broody! - I think they have a good rep for being broody, if I remember right. I know Muscovies do! They'll hatch anything! I have 2 French Marans hens that are super, I don't think I could ask for better broodies. My first Fav broody, in May, she was ok, not a strong mothering instinct, but fair enough, she left them on their own as soon as they had feathers! So, I'll be interested to see how this Fav hen does....

I really need to stop all of this, or else re-home a few birds. My coop and run is getting full!
Ya... the first timer that hatched out 18 was a silky/orpington cross. I used to have pictures of her trying to cover all those chicks with their heads sticking out of her feathers all over. LOL! But my son-in-law lost all the THOUSANDS of photos from my old computer. :( I'll have to see if my mom still has any pictures of her. It was quite a site.

Be sure and share pics of your new chicks next weekend! But don't stop your chicken shenanigans... what other excuse will you have to build a new coop?!
Ya... the first timer that hatched out 18 was a silky/orpington cross. I used to have pictures of her trying to cover all those chicks with their heads sticking out of her feathers all over. LOL! But my son-in-law lost all the THOUSANDS of photos from my old computer. :( I'll have to see if my mom still has any pictures of her. It was quite a site.

Be sure and share pics of your new chicks next weekend! But don't stop your chicken shenanigans... what other excuse will you have to build a new coop?!

I would love to see that picture!

Yeah, if my S.O. has to build a new coop, it'll be for me!
My babies,

Here's a couple helping forage out bugs while we remodel. They are getting so big! My white is still perfectly white and she makes me want more whites!

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