Faverolles Thread

I am trying not to hate.
My hens seem to lean towards boys. I only hatched two pullets and eleven cockerels this year. At least I have some nice boys. Plenty to choose from. Lol.

Oh, and where I had good pullet ratios with chickens, I had it in reverse with my sheep - mostly ram lambs and one ewe lamb
- fortunately I don't own the ram that sired that lot!
Hi.I dont really know where to start. I recently bought a pair of salmon faverolle bantams. I am thinking about showing them, im not really sure yet. I was also thinking about hatching some eggs from them every now and then just for fun.I dont want to get serious into breeding them or anything (or at least not yet)/ They are still young- the pullet just started laying and the cockerel is still growing out his tail. So far they are very friendly. I have an LF salmon hen that I boughtas SQ but she is not. She has a great personality though. So I thought I would see if I could post pics in a few days and see what you think of them. (the bantams not the LF).
Not a facebook member. I really have to get on that. I need to join fb for my 4-H club (I'm the leader and the only one not on fb). I will like you when I finally create the page. Are you on linkedin?
here is my bantam salmon pullet. It is hard to get pics of her that arent blurry, she is constantly on the move! any opinions are appreciated.

I will try and get better pics of her as she gets more used to me.

I dont have any pics of the cockerel. His tail isnt fully grow out. I saw a little puddle of blood on the ground today. All worried I run over and pick him up since he is the closest to the blood. He must of bumped or scratched his toe. It had bleed, but had then clotted itself. He didnt lose much blood. He acts as if his feet are sore.
here is my bantam salmon pullet. It is hard to get pics of her that arent blurry, she is constantly on the move! any opinions are appreciated.

I will try and get better pics of her as she gets more used to me.

I dont have any pics of the cockerel. His tail isnt fully grow out. I saw a little puddle of blood on the ground today. All worried I run over and pick him up since he is the closest to the blood. He must of bumped or scratched his toe. It had bleed, but had then clotted itself. He didnt lose much blood. He acts as if his feet are sore.
Can I ask who you got them from? It looks like from the picture, that she has vulture hocks.
Can I ask who you got them from? It looks like from the picture, that she has vulture hocks.
O thanks for reminding me! I was going to ask if they could have VHs. I assume that is a DQ. Youu can ask anything you want about them.I dont know who I got them from. I bought them at a show in the sales pen area from some random guy. I can try and get better pics.

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