Faverolles Thread

I bought out a breeder who assured me that he had purchased all his original stock from two breeders and none were hatchery stock.

I should clarify. All the hens were from one breeder and the rooster from a second breeder. He said that he had deliberately culled from the two groups so the hens would not be from the same breeder as the rooster in the hopes of having that much diversity in his original birds.
Aw! Are those some of Joel's babies? Look at the little fluffy cheeks! What's the other one?

So cute! Thanks!

Yes, these are Joel's babies. Leon had kids already!
The other one is a little naked neck. It hatched a few days later than it's hatchmates and Joel's babies were more closer in age at the time so I put it with Lucy Lou Lou and the Fav babies. Lucy will take any baby as her own. I have to get some updated pictures. I am thinking one roo for sure.
Hi all! I have never posted to this thread before but I hatched my very first (chicks!) Faverolle's (eggs from a BYC'er) in the Easter Hatch-a-long and I have these two girls that I would love some input on. I don't at all know what I should be looking for as far as coloring is concerned. Unfortunately I can only keep one of these girls and I would love input on which "looks-wise" is the better of the two? They both have very sweet personalities. Although the fluffier (Pullet A) one is a little more laid back in the brooder - yet talks more in hand. They are unfortunately in that awkward stage lol.

Pullet A


Pullet B


A is on top, B is on bottom.
Please pardon my ignorance but I'm new to chickens and faverolles. Is it bad to order chicks from a hatchery? I ordered mine from my pet chicken.
Hatchery birds are fine if you aren't showing and don't need show quality. That is not to say that a show quality bird couldn't come from a hatchery. Not at all.

I don't have Faverolles anymore but my current birds came from a hatchery.
Please pardon my ignorance but I'm new to chickens and faverolles. Is it bad to order chicks from a hatchery? I ordered mine from my pet chicken.

It's not "bad" depending on what you're looking for. You'll not get show quality birds from a hatchery, with rare exceptions. Also, you should be prepared for the birds to not look like the pictures in the books, as they frequently have different colorations. If these are your first birds, hatchery birds are fine. Almost all of us started that way. The personalities are pretty similar, and it allows you to get your feet wet a bit.

However, you DID make the right decision regarding breed! ;) Good for you!
Hi, I've got 5 faverolles, 2 salmon, 2 white, and 1 cross faverolles, all of them are 2 weeks old.
My question is how to find out the gender on whites, I know how to on salmons, but I haven't been able to find an answer anywhere. Hope someone can help me, love this site!:D

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