Faverolles Thread

Oh wow, gosh, sorry, I just realized I posted on the wrong thread! I meant to post it on my other subscription thread!
Such darling babies. She (They) all look very much like mine did at that age. I've hatched one Fav by accident this summer. I thought I was collecting all eggs each day, but I guess not
. I have their nest in a plastic crate, and after hatching found her way to the bottom of it. I heard her when collecting eggs. I put her in with another hen that was broody but not having any luck hatching and tada...2 problems solved. She's Very dark, but I have found that after a while, mine lighten. Everyone's molting now, but the feathers growing back are much lighter. I'm not sure why that would happen, but it's all of them, not just one. I anxious to see the if this new baby will lighten. She's a little older than your sweeties. Maybe yours will lighten too.
Thanks! I hope so too.
If not, no real loss, as they're just for my backyard :)
I've been trying to get experience with different breeds, because I'd like to pick 2 or 3 and really focus on them. Eventually. Salmon Favs seem to be one of those where there are not a lot of breeders, I had a hard time finding breeders for Australorps too. :/ But I see Ameraucanas and Marans everywhere I go.

Anyway, I'm taking someone suggestion and periodically taking pictures to send to Ideal. Not to gripe, but just o they know how to improve :)
My poor Dizzy. 2 weeks old today.
She is feathering out nicely and good coloring. She is content and growing so I am hesitant to put her down. She just has a big eye that seems to be growing. But she appears to not be in pain and is eating, drinking, and not being picked on by her 5 brooder buddies. So I will continue to watch her as she grows. :)
Hi again. Today I took some pictures so you will know for sure that there is life after a bad eye. She has it open some time, and closed other times.

Here she is forward facing. You can tell there's a problem with that side of her face, but it never seems to bother her. She can be both sweet and feisty, but mostly she's a very sweet lady.
Another thing I encountered today.
I do not have any chocolate egg layers in with my Faves. Good grief, where could it have come from. My fave eggs always look like the other 3, a tanish pinkish whitish egg. This is a very strange thing indeed. Anyone else ever had a rogue egg?
Hi again. Today I took some pictures so you will know for sure that there is life after a bad eye. She has it open some time, and closed other times. Here she is forward facing. You can tell there's a problem with that side of her face, but it never seems to bother her. She can be both sweet and feisty, but mostly she's a very sweet lady. Another thing I encountered today. I do not have any chocolate egg layers in with my Faves. Good grief, where could it have come from. My fave eggs always look like the other 3, a tanish pinkish whitish egg. This is a very strange thing indeed. Anyone else ever had a rogue egg?
awwwwwwww thank you! I am very hopeful that she will make it and thrive! I noticed yesterday that she is rubbing her eye on her shoulder. She might be getting a bit uncomfortable with it now. But otherwise she is still doing great. :) I think I will be taking weekly pics to post in here.

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