Faverolles Thread

All of the Faverolles I've grown have gone through a crazy stage until they are at least four months old, when they finally seem to get over the panic that I'm going to kill them if I look at them.  Then they turn into normal chickens.  Sometimes I don't even bother to pick them up until then, because it just freaks them out.  Talk about screaming!  Some of them never get over being held, others almost demand it everyday.  He's just a baby yet - give him time.

Thanks! That's actually quite reassuring. I sure hope he calms down.

I handle all my babies everyday right now because I transfer them from their coop to the tractor, and back after some supervised free range time with my 4 big girls, who free range all day. Lately, it's actually ironic that more skittish RuPaul gets, the more sweet and attention-seeking his sister gets. Silly chickens.
Thanks! That's actually quite reassuring. I sure hope he calms down.

I handle all my babies everyday right now because I transfer them from their coop to the tractor, and back after some supervised free range time with my 4 big girls, who free range all day. Lately, it's actually ironic that more skittish RuPaul gets, the more sweet and attention-seeking his sister gets. Silly chickens.

Silly birds! I'm also glad to hear that they may calm down... mine are both just nuts nuts NUTS right now!
We are thinking about getting Favorelles to add to our flock next year, but I'm a little worried that they will get bullied since they are such a docile breed. Of course, every situation is unique, but in general will Favorelles do well with Welsummers and Wyandottes?
We are thinking about getting Favorelles to add to our flock next year, but I'm a little worried that they will get bullied since they are such a docile breed. Of course, every situation is unique, but in general will Favorelles do well with Welsummers and Wyandottes?

In my experience, the Wyandottes tend to be higher on the bully scale than some other breeds - that's from observing the ones I've had over the years. Have not had Welsummers. My Faverolles are definitely on the lower end of the pecking order, but it's not too bad. They get the occasional peck for no reason, but it's not like they get abused. They don't seem as bothered by it as we are. Just take your time introducing them.
We are thinking about getting Favorelles to add to our flock next year, but I'm a little worried that they will get bullied since they are such a docile breed. Of course, every situation is unique, but in general will Favorelles do well with Welsummers and Wyandottes?
I'm in the process of introducing some 5-9 week olds to my 6 month olds (including a wellie). My Wellie is much more accepting of the new littles than my Rocks are. She plays a little chasey-chasey with them, but hasn't pecked at them since the first or second day.
The roos of this breed are the dumbest birds ever omg
yes! It's ridiculous. @urbanfarmoc you agree?

OMG! 1000% yes. :barnie :he

At first I thought it was just my little drama queen, RuPaul, then I thought it might just be the genetics from the breeder, since @estamets and I have birds from the same breeder, but now it just seems like they are generally just dumb. It's my first time with favs, so I hope he calms down and smartens up. Today, after 30 minutes after everyone in my baby flock jumped out of the tractor for free range time, he still could not figure out how to get out! The worst is that I've had him since he was 1 week old, and he's been in this tractor everyday since he was about 2.5 weeks old. Dumb as a rock! And he's a pig too! Eats nonstop, but still doesn't know how everyone else gets their mealworm treats.

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