Faverolles Thread

Maybe Liesha would know who has whites from the new group that is out there…Im not on facebook so am no longer connected….I do remember somewhere months ago on this thread there is a young brother/sister??????pair that was breeding for white also. Anyone remember??? Check with chickonthehill (BYC) …..I had a few pop up and she said she had that happen occasionally from the mahogany line sometimes.
Liesha also has had some award winning bantams and LF Salmons in the poultry press from shows. Congratulations ! Will need to look again since there were several others too…

For Bantam Salmon, Since You are in California, have You asked on the California thread??? there may be several since it is a large state, or the regional poultry association?

Re Avian Flu, I live 3 counties and two hours from the boarder and have most of mine in the barn now in bird proof fencing.….kinda makes one nervous. So far no one has anything. crossing fingers…..
This is my white kid from this last year. He is really much prettier in person! I paired him with 2 girls that I call my "snowys"...They are over 50% white so hopefully we will get more whites out of them. I hope we hatch more whites out of my salmons again this year too..... This one was an awesome surprise! Apparently I can only photograph the darker of the snowy twins, but I thought you might enjoy a couple pics of her too. They are all out of Weird Altitude and the faverolles hens he was over last year.

No i hadn't thought of asking on California thread.thank though. I usually like askin on breed threads because somehow every time I want a bird it's from east coast or somewhere not near me lol.
This is my white kid from this last year. He is really much prettier in person! I paired him with 2 girls that I call my "snowys"...They are over 50% white so hopefully we will get more whites out of them. I hope we hatch more whites out of my salmons again this year too..... This one was an awesome surprise! Apparently I can only photograph the darker of the snowy twins, but I thought you might enjoy a couple pics of her too. They are all out of Weird Altitude and the faverolles hens he was over last year.
Beautiful! Are they recessives? "Sports"?
It's been a while since I've visited, but I'm just throwing another line out to see if anyone has a nice LF white Faverolle rooster. My white hen has turned out lovely even after molting. She's a lovely mother and I want a mate for her! Also, I have fallen in love with my Sussex faverolle crosses. I call them my bearded eagle chickens:) is anyone else doing that? I am also looking for another Faverolle rooster. I would like a nice big one, perhaps from cloverleaf's old pack? Thanks for your help and happy new year everyone!
Have you tried looking for a black cockerel? The offspring would be black but carry recessive white. Take one of those cockerels and breed him back to the white hen. Depending on the genetics behind the black the cross may help clean up any salmon leakage. Whites hiding salmon tend to be leaky, or yellowish.
Maybe Liesha would know who has whites from the new group that is out there…Im not on facebook so am no longer connected….I do remember somewhere months ago on this thread there is a young brother/sister??????pair that was breeding for white also. Anyone remember??? Check with chickonthehill (BYC) …..I had a few pop up and she said she had that happen occasionally from the mahogany line sometimes.
Liesha also has had some award winning bantams and LF Salmons in the poultry press from shows. Congratulations ! Will need to look again since there were several others too…

For Bantam Salmon, Since You are in California, have You asked on the California thread??? there may be several since it is a large state, or the regional poultry association?

Re Avian Flu, I live 3 counties and two hours from the boarder and have most of mine in the barn now in bird proof fencing.….kinda makes one nervous. So far no one has anything. crossing fingers…..
Pasofinofarm was another who had whites pop up from time to time.

Is the state doing extra testing of flocks?
Thank you, yes, they are out of my pure faverolles. I had Weird Altitude over Hannah (boulanger/buffington), Bonnie (causey), and Penny my mahogany (sandhill).
In Thursdays Seattle Times posted on the Washington thread……Some folks have said they are having their birds tested just because, but unless its reported in my county or any of mine show *anything* that could look un-well i am doing a wait and see til its hopefully over, then test. Don't want to be declared clean then have it pop up a week later. Benton County is in eastern Wa., i am on the other side of the mountains, in western Wa.

Avian flu causes emergency poultry quarantine in SE Washington

Posted by Lisa Cowan
The Associated Press
KENNEWICK — The Washington Agriculture Department declared an emergency quarantine for domestic poultry and eggs in the southeast part of the state to contain the highly contagious avian flu.
The quarantine issued Wednesday restricts the movement of chickens, turkeys and other birds out of that zone. It covers an area within 20 miles of two Benton County locations where backyard flocks of chickens, turkeys and ducks were found to have the disease.
This particular strain of the disease isn’t dangerous to people, but it’s deadly to birds. Officials want to keep it out of commercial operations.
The virus has not been found in commercial poultry in the U.S., so it’s OK to buy chicken, turkey, eggs and other poultry products from grocery stores, the Tri-City Herald reported.
No human cases with these viruses have been detected in the U.S., Canada or elsewhere. And U.S. agriculture officials have said poultry, poultry products and wild birds are safe to eat even if they carry the disease as look as the items are properly handled and cooked to the proper temperature.
The quarantine is expected to last for about eight months. It covers most of Richland, part of Kennewick and extends across the Columbia River to include part of Franklin County.
Exemptions from the quarantine are possible if businesses can show their establishments have strong biosecurity measures.
More than 700 birds in Benton County have died or been euthanized. The disease has been found in two backyard flocks in the county, which included domestic waterfowl with access to the outdoors. Wild waterfowl have been known to carry the virus.
Federal agricultural officials plan to increase the amount of testing of poultry and other domestic birds in the area. The commercial industry also has a robust avian influenza testing program, state officials said.

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