Faverolles Thread

Thanks Kathleen I bet she will heal up well. I will keep her seprate or maybe with one body for a few weeks to prevent picking I doubt thats what it was though favs are very gentle I bet she got hear head stuck in a whole in the wire or she was picked at by one of the LF birds.

here the first baby favorolles from HCAMMACKS flock.


YES GRANDCHICKS! I am so happy you had a good hatch from the favs trust me you will want more when you see how nice they are. I have four eggs baking away in my incubator now and after (hopefully) they hatch I am going to do a big batch of favs from breeders.
oh, i got an email back this morning from Leisha Comer who has the different colors in the bantam Faverolles! she still has them but she does not sell the eggs, only birds.

if anyone is interested in contacting her i can give you her email. i couldn't find if she had a web page and the email back from her just said she didn't do eggs but sells her birds.
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Chickie'sMoma :

oh, i got an email back this morning from Leisha Comer who has the different colors in the bantam Faverolles! she still has them but she does not sell the eggs, only birds.

if anyone is interested here is her email. i couldn't find if she had a web page and the email back from her just said she didn't do eggs but sells her birds. [email protected]

I am going to spend lots of cash on faverolles
I am getting
18 eggs from Nikki at Hattrick silkies
and I am possibly getting
18 eggs from Rose Isgrig
1 blue salmon cockeral from Leisha Comer​

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