Faverolles Thread

Ya its even diffrent from the Ameraucana! when I first got the little fav boys I and put them in the chicken tractor my big old Ameraucana roo would come dance in front of the wire and try and get in there and kill those boys. The little roos never really did anything they would stand up for their ladies by flaring their hackles out but they wouldn't bloodly their combs and eventually when they figured out he couldn't get to the girls they just kept eating or drinking or going about their merry way and didn't even blink when he would try and right them. My little blue salmon boy did put on quite a noisey show when he heard the new cockeral talking from the quarentine tractor but I am sure there wouldn't be to bad a fight if they were introduced.
i actually found that my bantam cockerel was the one in charge when i had the lf fav cockerels in with him. they were a week younger than him but were almost double his size and still kept clear of him but wouldn't fight each other. an occasional peck just to say 'that's mine', and they just went about their business. if the lf favs saw me they would scatter to the back of the coop while Charlie the bantam would come running to see what i brought him that day. the LF would slowly creep out to see what i had too but would quickly grab and run.

he never bothered my bantam cochin cockerel either, and the cochin didn't bug him either.
I had 2 bantam roos in with one bantam pullet for a while. No squabbling at all. When I added a new pullet she was accepted without so much as a peck on the head, and there was still no squabbling among the 2 roos. They tolerated each other very well. Unfortunately at the time I had no accomodations for bantams so I rehomed them. The kids were very upset. They loved the bantam favs. They were able to carry them everywhere.

I'm not sure my cranky old layers would ever have accepted them. Once one roo escaped the pen and ran around with the free rangers. Several of the hens gave him a bonk on the noggin so he ran and hid under my old BLRW roo. Moe is much more tolerant and could have cared less.

Since then I've added a space for bantams and hopefully I will have more this spring.
Actually I've never had a poblem with my roosters living together at all. My silkies never fight, and my barred rocks hardly ever did. Is it different when you put them in alone, like in another area/pen? I've moved my silkie roosters around a bit, alone and then with their hens, but they are pretty docile as it is. So, is it okay to put roosters in the same "pen"?
Faverolles sound like dolls, if I can I am definetly getting some this spring/summer!
I snapped a couple pics yesterday evening ..

Shiner is my cockeral .. 3.5 months old.



And my little pullet, Pringle.


And I have to mention Sophie .. the Exchequer Leghorn .. who manages to hog almost every photo .. she thinks she's a beauty queen .. lol

They are my babies ..
I have a single Salmon Fav pullet..........had 2 but the other was an off color...and off in behavior. Escaped the yard, got attacked by the neighbors dogs, ended up with a broken leg........nursed it back to health for weeks and weeks and finally got it back integrated into my main flock and one night she refused to go in the coop and hid underneath in the back corner where I could not reach........and got killed by something
She was my little buddy, so I was totally bummed........

So I have my one lone SF girl now. I haven't decided if I will get more or not. May order a few sexed pullets from Ideal, just so I don't have the single girl. I hate having only 1 of a breed!
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My two Fav roosters never had trouble with each other. The problem with the two roos was that they overbred the hens. One would breed a hen, then the other would have to do the same. The Fav hens never had a chance to say no.

Now I have chicken police. One of my Australorp hens keeps the boys in line. Any hen that squaks when a rooster is mating gets immediate assistance. The Australorp comes over and pecks the roo until he gets off, and then chases him for the next few minutes just to make sure he understands. She never bothers the roo's when they are mating unless the hen is squawking. I just love flock dynamics.

The Australorp police would probably not work as well with a more aggressive roo, but my Favs are lovers not fighters.
Too funny! I have an Australorp hen like that too. We call her Frenchy because of the big floppy comb. Good to know that you can have more than one roo and they get along.

Do the blue salmon favs come in standard? or just bantam?

More pics please!!!!!

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