Faverolles Thread

I hatched him out of a cream colored egg... he snuck in with my faverolles eggs

He does have a cuckoo marans look to him!
i found no real difference in over handling of cockerels. i think it really depends on the breed and the parents' personalities. my bantam polish is a momma's boy! i let him out of his pen and the first thing he wants me to do is pick him up for a cuddle! (he's NOT normal!
) he actually settles in on my arm like he is a toy puppy and will snooze like that. or he jumps on my shoulder like a parrot and will sit down to hold on while i move around the house/garden. even lets me groom and pet him!

my first fav cockerel i had was a wonderful boy! he used to be the one to jump in my hand all the time to be picked up when he was a chick. never bothered him much if i grabbed him to put on my lap for petting and giving him treats. unfortunately he had only 4 toes on each foot and i gave him away.
I had a banty fav roo years ago, that would run to me to be picked up, and would sit on my shoulder for hours while I puttered around the barn. His name was Mr. Moochick and he was the tamest chicken I ever had, and between my birds and my then boyfriends birds I had over 500 birds to care for... which was more than 35 different cages/houses/pens to care for! Sure glad I am only doing 4 chicken arks worth this time around!
Yes, I'm pretty sure our "Bubbie" is a roo... and, of course, still my sons FAVORITE! He is such a cutie (I just love his feathery legs). He is soooo much larger than the others... he is HUGE by comparison in body size and height.
He runs to the gate to greet us... and then stands still at your feet looking up and waiting to be picked up. I've heard that "overhandling" roos can be bad and that sometimes makes for a mean roo... but, we just can't help ourselves... and we do try not to baby him too much... boy, I really hope he stays so sweet!

Are you positive he's a rock mix? Sure looks like a feather legged cuckoo marans to me. White legs.

Yep, he's out of my Barred Rock hen x Salmon Faverolles rooster (that's where the white legs comes from).
Hey Henry, I was excited to show you your sign but, it isn't quite finished... still have to do some lowlighting on the pullet's tail and the roo's hackles

I hope you're not bothered by the intense color. I kind of exaggerated the blue salmon color but, I think it's looking pretty good. I know it'll be a big hit on Saturday
hello i am new to raising chickens i started raising them 9 months ago and they have grown up well my favorite chicken are the faverolle breed and i am hoping to try and start breeding them and find some hens for my rooster edgar.
this is him as an adult
this is him as a baby
and this is edgar after his first bath
i luv edgar he is my favorite chicken ^-^
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