Faverolles Thread

i got my first blue salmon favs egg yesterday from Henrys' flock.they were hatched jan 1st.

White is an excepted color and you can show them. Do you mean blue salmon or actual blue faverolles?


Sorry, Yes Salmon blue. I didn't know there was all blues out there or is there? Thanks for the reply.

No problem yes there are both LF blue and bantam blue faverolles.
Let my broody out for a stretch today, she ate some bugs and got a dust bath in. Checked the nest/eggs and all seemed fine. Put Mama in the wire side of her bunny hutch w/ fresh food and water and she tanked up on both, then she went right back to work. I also gave her an over-ripe banana which she devoured... better her than me, I am alergic to bananas
Thats great news glad she is able to take breaks glad you still have one girl that is sitting nice and tight. Hoping that you have a great hatch!
My broody switched nests and left the one viable egg over night! I popped it back under her and I am going to candle again tonight. She gets up ever day for a little while and eats and drinks. She is very sweet and only makes little warning noises and doesn't peck at me at all. Hope she gets one chick at least! I might have to buy a few if she doesn't hatch any.

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Breeze Fiona

They're nearly identical except Fiona has some smut in her beard & a rounder comb. Not rosecombs though.

I don't want you to see the toes! They're shaped fine but have scale mites and I didn't know
I thought they were all gone... I've been leaving them alone, in their nice new coop with wire floor & poultry dust under the nesting straw. I don't want to dip or grease them because it gets on the eggs & seals them & ruins them. Back to the drawing board on that! Tell you what, I'll put the rest of the pics on my byc page.

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