Faverolles Thread

Dick, I got her out of a batch of eggs that I hatched from Henry. So, I am sure she is all Fav. I think he told me that she came out of the 1st batch of splash eggs that he had.

I like that the blue is in a pattern on her and not just splotched any old place. If you look close, you can see some mahogany on each side just where her wings to her body. So at least she is symmetrical.
Has she laid eggs yet there is a chance she is both male and female.

i think I got another one of them. Dick, has the one laid any eggs that Henry gave you, that I gave to him?

I think that's the one he lost he meant he got is from me not Cindy
Has she laid eggs yet there is a chance she is both male and female.

Henry. That. is. not. funny.

Really? Is that possible?

Oh wait. The roo has mounted her. She is in need of a saddle, I noticed this morning when I took the pics. Does that tell anything?

Has she laid eggs yet there is a chance she is both male and female.

Henry. That. is. not. funny.

Really? Is that possible?

Oh wait. The roo has mounted her. She is in need of a saddle, I noticed this morning when I took the pics. Does that tell anything?


Maybe the one Leisha gave to me and I gave to Dick looked female except she had pointy saddle feathers and two dark mahogany/ black patches on her chest. Really can't be sure does she have pointy saddle feathers? I guess you will know when she lays or if she lays.

I think that's the one he lost he meant he got is from me not Cindy

That's the one I was thinking of too, when I first heard the description.

But that one was hen feathered on the top half and roo feathered on the belly, with some small saddle feathers. Too bad you lost him/her Dick!

Leisha you think you have another? One is rare enough, I wonder what would cause another?
Henry. That. is. not. funny.

Really? Is that possible?

Oh wait. The roo has mounted her. She is in need of a saddle, I noticed this morning when I took the pics. Does that tell anything?


Maybe the one Leisha gave to me and I gave to Dick looked female except she had pointy saddle feathers and two dark mahogany/ black patches on her chest. Really can't be sure does she have pointy saddle feathers? I guess you will know when she lays or if she lays.


Nope, no saddle feathers. She is between 4 and 5 months old so the eggs should be coming soon. Guess that'll be the test

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