Faverolles Thread

Here is my hermaphrodite Faverolle.

'She' started out colored very much like a 'traditional' Salmon Fav. Then a few blue feathers began to appear on her breast...then more and more and more. Next, she picked up some mahogany feathering. A few weeks ago, her head turned the same creamy color as my roos and the hackle and saddle feathers developed.

So....whatcha think?

BTW, she is 5.5 mo old. No eggs yet from her or the other hen but the roos are definitely sure that she is a hen.


interesting! she has mottling in the breast feathers! i wonder if you would be able to keep that in any offspring and work on a new color pattern! the feathers on the neck and saddle look like they could be a roo's, but that face and small pink comb scream pullet!

i need to get some updated pics of Collette my cuckoo maran x fav project. 'she' has been showing the saddle feathers of a roo but she has been doing a full squat with the wings out too whenever i go to touch her hind end. the neck is lighter than her body and her tail has an occasional solid black, shinny feather just like a roo would have. i figure she has another month before i get any eggs from her, if it is a pullet and not a cockerel!
i've been hearing someone trying to crow in my laying/grow-out pen and i want to find out who it is quickly!
Wow, nature sure has a way of mixing it up doesn't she? I do like her unusual colors. Could she be a blue-splash?
Probably the roosters are right, she's a hen.
Very pretty! Not to mention interesting. I would have thought splash salmon cockerel but not with that comb. I'm leaning towards an "It". I don't think you'll hear a crow from this one, but I'm not so sure you'll get any eggs either. If you do it will be interesting to see if they're sterile or not.

Now this is the second gender confused bantam fav I've seen this year, the other being a half-and-half that Dick had but sadly lost. I was surprised enough to see one, but now two?
Wow! Thank you for all of the responses. We love her/him...well...whatever.

The other roos that hatched with her are fully colored and have been for some time. As a matter of fact one of them took the GrandChampion Cockerel at our local 4H show and a pullet took a Blue.

With these unique colors, she is definitely a keeper. I am going to cross my fingers and toes that she does lay and they are fertile.
Then we can ALL have some of these pretty gals.

In her pen are a Salmon Roo and a Blue Salmon Roo, plus a traditional Salmon pullet. So we will see what happens.

These eggs came from Henry and I think that he mentioned that there was a chance of Splash from his new roo. ((Henry)) do you remember

Keep the info coming and I will keep the pics coming as she continues to bring on these amazing colors.

Yep. I am in SW VA, almost to the TN line on I-81.

I am hoping to get more Favs going myself. I just have the 4 so will be looking for chicks and started birds in the Spring.

I already have the beginnings Spring Hatching Fever. lol
Yes I was breeding some Blue salmon to blue salmon so there was a chance of splash. I am glad they turned out so nice! Sounds like your enjoying them if I don't hatch them all I might have a few eggs from black x splash black x blue and black x black bantam breeding this winter and spring. That is if I don't hatch them all

Splash salmon pullets generally look like this. They have white underfluff instead of the blue-grey of the blue salmons or the grey of the salmons. So it will be interesting to see what happens with yours!


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