Faverolles Thread

You won't regret getting them.
WOW very nice birds

Thanks! Yes, I am SUPER excited about them! They are so much MORE than what I had before! I'm keeping 3 boys until I HAVE to get rid of another one (I'd love to keep them all for now, but 5 is a little much). Their personalities are SO fantastic (so far - lol).
The more pic's I see & the more I read, I can barely wait till spring. I should B gettn' a small coop so it will hold the new additions to the flock.
Thank you E1 for sharing
WOW very nice birds

Thanks! Yes, I am SUPER excited about them! They are so much MORE than what I had before! I'm keeping 3 boys until I HAVE to get rid of another one (I'd love to keep them all for now, but 5 is a little much). Their personalities are SO fantastic (so far - lol).

They look really really good yeah your flock is actually going to be great! With that beautiful girl from Melissa
I just got from the show and wanted to tell everybody my salmon pullet took Reserve Champion Featherleg. It was a wonderful win. She beat out some of the best cochins and silkies in midwest and eastern states. I was helping clerk for Rick Hare and didn't know I had won until I was done.
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