Faverolles Thread


Food for thought......It is not possible to acquire the "perfect" bird that possesses all the characteristics desired nor is a bird that has acquired a 'show win' considered perfect. I once saw a bird placed as champion. In my opinion should have been termed as far lesser stock. The reasoning behind this is simple: any bird can be shown as long as it does not exhibit any disqualifications regardless of its quality. A less than perfect bird can be the best at any show.
Show quality to one individual can be breeder quality to another, and pet quality to yet another. This goes back to knowing the Standard and what YOU want to get out of your stock. "Show", "Breeder", and "Pet" qualities are simply labels. They truly hold different meanings to different people. One persons culls could be another persons breeding stock. I feel we all try to improve our stock and its continuing each year. Some might be further along but I think that comes from time and patience and continually striving for that "perfect" bird. I remember giving my friend Eddie a bunch of culls. He just wanted them to run around his yard. From those birds he got a pullet that won Reserve Featherleg at a Virginia show. It was the cochin National at the same time and she almost beat them out for Champion Featherleg. She lost it because of one frayed feather. That's all they could find wrong with her. Sometimes you just don't know what can happen.
Well, all six of the first generation Fav x d'uccle hatched! A couple of them even have 5 toes with good spacing on one foot! At first I almost banded a third one for having 5 toes, and then I realized it had SIX!!!

One of them is really light yellow, but a couple of the chicks have a much darker fluff with some black fluff in their wings, hoping they'll give me some good color, if they do, I may keep the ones that have 4 toes anyway. Will have to see what the next 2 hatches bring me...
Here's a couple pics in the brooder. These are VERY active chicks!! It was hard to get good pics.


I am soooo very excited my hubby said last night it is okay for me to have an incubator and he is gonna help me make it.
So that solves my problems. I am soooo excited about doing our first hatch!!!! Does anyone have any suggestions on what is important for making sure our home incubator works really well. I know about the home incubator section and I am gonna check that out. Just curious if anyone had learned anything by trail and error. I want to get as many of our chickies hear safe and sound as I can.
Thanks everyone for putting up with me and my excitement of getting our little flock started.


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