Faverolles Thread

Clover, 6 of the 8 eggies hatched and are running around right now in a 'chick' cage out in the coop.
I'm not very sure of myself about the sexing thing.........but 4 have black on their wings and 2 have salmon on their wings. My guess is that means 4 roos and 2 hennlets????

I also have 4 Salmon Fav hens (ordered from Ideal Poultry, 6/10/10). 2 of them have gone broody....I was under the impression Favs didn't go broody often....am I wrong??

Uh oh, yep sounds like 4 boys/2 girls.
lol They do go broody and are supposed to be great mommas. I've only had a broody bantam, and she was great! Here she is, teaching her baby to drink water:


What a precious pic!!!!
If in D, I have 4 baby roos.....I figure that just gives me more options on who to mate & who to plate. LOL
At this point I really don't care what sex I have.........I'm having so much fun watching them mature and feather out.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful eggies!!! I LOVE my little fuzzy faces.

Uh oh, yep sounds like 4 boys/2 girls.
lol They do go broody and are supposed to be great mommas. I've only had a broody bantam, and she was great! Here she is, teaching her baby to drink water:


What a precious pic!!!!
If in D, I have 4 baby roos.....I figure that just gives me more options on who to mate & who to plate. LOL
At this point I really don't care what sex I have.........I'm having so much fun watching them mature and feather out.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful eggies!!! I LOVE my little fuzzy faces.


Oh good! lol You are gonna love the flavor of a home grown Faverolles roo!!!
there ain't nothin' like it!!!
Hey all, I'm loving the photos in this thread!

I hope I'm not derailing here, but I'm doing a small project requiring some high resolution photos of Faverolles Roos (bantam or LF), and I don't have access to the birds myself. If any of you wouldn't mind me using your pictures as references please PM the photo link to me. I promise to share the finished product on here when I am done.
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His color is a bit light actually very light and his beard looks to have some white in it. It would be better to get a picture where is back half isn't blocked. Also always remember type is more important then color that is something Peter and Dick have really taught me over the last year or two.

Half of his beard is missing because he was in the pen with a bunch of hens and I have narrowed it down to just 3 hens and him. He is missing his tail feathers, they were plucked out before I got him. His back looks a little splotchy to me.
I will try to take better pictures tonight if the weather allows.
Uh oh, yep sounds like 4 boys/2 girls.
lol They do go broody and are supposed to be great mommas. I've only had a broody bantam, and she was great! Here she is, teaching her baby to drink water:


Good looking hen she look the same as the one I had go broody. She was a good momma and raised a nice looking blue salmon cockerel. They went to live with Dick. I am pretty sure he still has the hen.


I still have her. She's in a breeding pen now.

LOL I just have to share a little thing, it cracked me up! I have a brooder next to my computer for my Seramas, and I put the three bantam chicks that hatched Friday into it so they would be with some smaller chicks for a few days before moving into the "big" brooder (1 Ameraucana, 2 Fav). Anyway, they are all passed out looking dead, and one of the bantam Fav chicks lets out this long quiet peeeeeeeeeeep in it's sleep, like a snore! ALL the chicks jumped up out of a sound sleep, including the one that did it, like "what was that? who did that? what's going on?". Then they all just sat there and stared at the "offender". It was hilarious!

I can just see that! LOL!
I'm a little sensitive about my photos right now, due to a recent photo theft, so I'd wonder if the bird owners will be getting credit for the photos, and also what kind of distribution / who is going to see it / how is it being used?? Thanks!

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