Faverolles Thread

Haha, okay!
My pig's name is Lola. She's a market hog. I think she is a Hamp mix.

I had bought a trio of show quality Salmon Favorelle's. I lost my rooster a week ago. I am wondering if anyone can help me find a replacement. I have called around to the different people I can think of and Salmon Favorelles are not something I have seen in my area, or at least not the auctions and swaps I go to. If you can help me out it would be greatly appreciated. I would also like to purchase an additional trio.
Bantam or LF?

I'm somewhat new to all the abbreviations so I don't use them all that much. I think the bantams are cute, just never had the option to buy any if I ever see any I will definitely pick em up. But for now I have the standard sized
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Harry Kolacz. The line he had was a good one. If you need another rooster my dad can probably help you out. PM me for details.
Harry Kolacz. The line he had was a good one. If you need another rooster my dad can probably help you out. PM me for details.

Hi Jonathan. How's the hatching going?

Dad shut down his incubator this week. I'm not sure how many salmons he has out.
My whites are laying very well but no fertility. Dad has a real nice male at home I'm gonna try to borrow.

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