Faverolles Thread

So cute! Just like their mommy and daddy! (Except their dad's beard has been partially plucked, and he molted his tail off)

Thanks! Oh goodness! Who is doing the plucking? HAve you figured out a way to stop it? Thank goodness mine do not pluck beards here. Most of my flock has a beard.
I love all the pics of everyones Favs! And the different colors! But my favorite color is the salmon. I can't wait till I get my salmon girl from Leisha in October. She will be one of Leisha's SQ pullets who disapear into a pet home.
Thanks, to all of you. Leisha, I second the 'motion', dont shut up...you have alot to offer as knowledge goes
Peter, thanks for the COCHIN comment, I dont want birds who look like a breed they are not, and NO, noone has hurt my 'feelers'
I appreciate all the nice comments and PM's...really means alot to me ya'all. I will keep on-keeping on w/my program!

I did not intend on producing this color, they were hatched this way and appeared more black to me as chicks. Go ahead Leisha, give your opinion, your not going to hurt my feelings...Bash away! Peter, thanks for the "nice birds" comment, appreciate it. Again I AM NOT trying to produce this or any new colors, I simply asked for advice and if anyone else has ever had any pop up in their breeding programs, and can they be utilized?? Touchy subject I guess...

Nah, not touchy, I agree with Jeanine, go with it for awhile.....Brown is beautiful. I still would love to see if the Roo colors would also be "chocolate" Mmmmm. Or maybe at some point Yours could be the foundation for someone elses passion.
thanks for sharing. Peter, thanks too for posting pics.......eliz
I agree of what you say. There are so many variations in color and type in the salmons though. Nobody's is perfect,(cause there is no perfect bird). We have colors already that is not recognized in the APA. I did have alot of different colors and liked them all. But now just concentrating on salmons. I commend anyone who wants to take on a new challenge of a new color, you have more guts then I do. I am now going to shut up and keep my opinions to myself.
I hope I didn't hurt anyones feelings. Again this is my opinion.

Good Morning Liesha, Yes being an officer may mean having to be more diplomatic, but please don't "shut up",I value Your opinion....Everyone should feel free to speak their thoughts as long it isn't harshly at someone. There is alot more interest now in Favarolles than there was when i first saw them and we can learn from each other. I would google for hours trying to find information on breeders and find barely anything. Peter's information and an outdated Favarolle Club site. Now its much easier for a newby to get connected.
I am staying with the Salmons/Blue Salmons and trying the Mahogany thread for awhile. Colors are exciting for people. I still have the pictures you sent me and am glad that you passed Your color birds to folks interested in working with them.

Thanks Chick, your birds are great
Peter, you just make me sick Mister, just pure O.D. SICK I tell ya
Gorgeous kids, as usual.
my friend.

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