Faverolles Thread

I 5 pullets and they are 4 weeks old. I was thinking getting a rooster early next year or at the end of this year and breeding them. Are salmon faverolles broody and good mothers? I would rather not have to incubate the eggs
I've been told SFs do go broody, I haven't seen it yet, but I've only had them for a few months....One of my hens acts like she could, she seems interested in the other broodies chicks and stands around the nest box a lot. The lady I bought them from said she would sit on eggs if I left them in there. I should try letting a few collect and see what happens.

For the record - both of my French Marans were broody this spring, and very good first time mammas....You might try having one of them, but - I didn't buy hatchery stock, they came from a breeder.
I 5 pullets and they are 4 weeks old. I was thinking getting a rooster early next year or at the end of this year and breeding them. Are salmon faverolles broody and good mothers? I would rather not have to incubate the eggs
I've only had a small number of salmon hens ever go broody on me. One I let hatch and she was an attentive mom.

I also have 5 black hens and 4 of them went broody all at once recently and were determined to set even without eggs in the nestbox.
I also have 5 black hens and 4 of them went broody all at once recently and were determined to set even without eggs in the nestbox.

It's simply amazing, the dedication! My 2 FM hens did the same, one day there was one in the box and 2 days later the other one crawled in with her!
Cloverleaf- they are about 10 or 11 weeks old. I thought they might settle down once they are mature, but they sure do act different than my other 3 chickens. Just goofy
. They are definitely not aggressive or mean, just ski-dish if I try to touch them. They will come and see what I am doing, but then run off.

I will try giving them treats from my hand. I have not found any thing that they love, but I have not tried worms
. Thanks for the advise.
Ours were a bit skittish after we moved them from the brooder to the pen. They were a little attention neglected as there were more of them than the other breeds we hatched so we had a harder time keeping up with who got handled each day. We found, after our silkie showed them, that they like Whole Wheat Bread. We just tore up slices and held them out for them to grab and run off with. Now they want to eat my fingernails too, so hand feeding takes some training but most of them will come to us and will tolerate being picked up, some even jump in our laps on their own without coaxing. We have two holdouts that simply have to be cornered to catch.

Sometimes if they see someone else eating something, that's all they need to say what about me!
Good luck.

Let me say that I love how you give your opinion, or your way of doing things but don't preach it as the only way. People and chickens are definatly individuals and what works for some doesn't work for others. I certainly enjoy and appreciate your advice and experience.
Thanks guys!
I get so tired of some of the people on other threads that get mad if someone gives an opinion that doesn't match their own. Birds are individuals, just like people, and the same thing doesn't work for every bird, or every person.

On the subject of salmon Fav broodies...I have 4 LF broody girls right now. In my group of 2 year old hens, only one of them went broody for me last year, a different one is broody right now (and I heard peeping from under her today!) and the other three that are broody right now are the three girls that were broody raised last year...I suppose there's something to be said for learned behavior vs instinct at work here...

I also have one blue and one black bantam Fav hens sharing a nest with 3 babies, and another set of one blue and one black hen that shared a nest and have one baby between them. I also have a bantam buff hen that is setting on non-fertile eggs right now, I need to swap her eggs out for her...
Love me some broodies!!
When I found BYC, I knew it was a blessing.... I come here every time with a desire to learn something new from people who have much more experience than I do. I find it bizarre when people get bent if someone has a different perspective! Why not try to learn from the other person's experiences, instead of reinventing the wheel?
And, I would not ask a seasoned pro a question and then act like their response is unreasonable.

- Broodies rock! I don't have a 'bator (- yet!)... But, it sure is nice to have good mammas do the work.

Cloverleaf, what are you going to do with all these babies?
Hi, I have posted here a few times. You guys have been very helpful in helping me determine that my hatchery Salmon Faverolle was indeed a pullet.

My next question. At what age do they develop their "beards" (is that the proper name?). Is it possible that some hatchery SF never do?

She is almost 12 weeks old and still looks like a bald eagle. LOL

Thanks again.

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