Faverolles Thread

Hi Everyone! My first and long awaited Faverolles...
Thank you keesmom!
I am reading and reading and reading and learning! I welcome any and all comments and advice!
Here are a few pics!





This is my first attempt at posting pics on here with my new phone.
I have more...

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Oh they are so pretty. Next Spring I will have to get some eggs from someone close and have a couple of hens. I don't need a bunch. I love to hatch out chicks. Space for them when they grow out is the problem, along with money for all the feed etc. I spoil mine. I have only 15 hens and two roos but I am NPIP too. Love my ladies and gentlemen( they better stay that way)
Gloria Jean
Hi Everyone! My first and long awaited Faverolles...
Thank you keesmom!



How old are they in these pics Mandy?
Definitely fluffier than my 9 week olds from Ideal Poultry. LOTS more leg feathering. Also, they all seem to be "tail down". Mine carry their tails up a bit. Is that a 'fault'? Not that I care with regard to my two, I'm not showing or breeding.

Now that we are letting them out into the field behind the barn, we have a new game. It is called "Find the free range chicken"

This is a not uncommon view of our Favorelles:

Makes them a bit hard to find in the 4' high "gone to seed" grass!
Lol! Mine are the SAME way, they spend all morning and afternoon in the woods behind the house, and in particular in the thick ferns along the stone wall, they have tunnels and hiding places beaten down all through there. They come out to see if I have something for them and then dissapear back into the bushes! Most of my pics of them are the exact same thing! They are 9 wks in the first set of pics and 11 in the second.
They are super fluffy! They are alot lighter in color than yours too. I read that there are distinct types overseas, maybe Ideal has a different type than these are? I will try and find the link to the article I read about it...

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Here is the link to the website talking about the different types and standards.

Well that certainly clears everything up

Guess I'll have to wait until they are full grown to decide which of the 3 types mine are most like. I'm guessing they are the chicken equivalent of the dog world's "Heinz 57". Head from here, tail from there, leg feathers from somewhere else.
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How many were you looking for? I have a batch due to hatch on the 30th. I may have 3-5 that I can part with from that clutch if I don't have any quitters. They are large fowl non-hatchery stock from an NPIP certified flock.
looking for several- I would be interested in your 3-5 if they all hatch and you have leftovers. How much do you want to get out of them? You can PM if you want.
So my lone faverolles pullet that I hatched from Peter's Summer Line was taken by a coon about a week ago. I was pretty heartbroken. But I still have access to a few of her hatch mates that are staying at a nearby farm they are all cockerels. I was wondering if anyone had a started pullet or two that I could buy. I think next spring I will be getting into breeding again once I move out of the city and I need a nice pullet to go along with the Peter Merlin cockerels. I am willing to pay good money for some nice birds as I know a good start doesn't come cheaply and I want to have some good pullets to match up to the cockerels who are developing nicely. Hope everyone is doing well. My laying flock seems to keep growing and growing. I had just four birds, then seven, now twelve the maximum in my city is supposed to be four. But I figure if I get caught I will just put the coop on a trailer and move it to one of the farms I work on. Please PM me with any info you might have. I would really rather not hatch eggs now because I don't have a good place to keep chicks inside all winter. If no one has anything I would still love to hear about how your birds are turning up. I haven't forgotten about faverolles don't worry guys!


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