Faverolles Thread

My son and I saw SF bantams today at the Northeast Fanciers show in Windsor. My son came home saying he wanted bantams but IDK if they are big enough for me to bother raising when my goals are for food as well as genetics. There was only the one set being shown. Looks like I am in business for a cockerel :)
My son and I saw SF bantams today at the Northeast Fanciers show in Windsor. My son came home saying he wanted bantams but IDK if they are big enough for me to bother raising when my goals are for food as well as genetics. There was only the one set being shown. Looks like I am in business for a cockerel :)
it nice have some bantams around with bantams you eat extra cockerls and sell the extra pairs you dont want
My son and I saw SF bantams today at the Northeast Fanciers show in Windsor. My son came home saying he wanted bantams but IDK if they are big enough for me to bother raising when my goals are for food as well as genetics. There was only the one set being shown. Looks like I am in business for a cockerel :)

How was the show? I wanted to go but the kids didn't feel like it.

I know when I had bantams I could not sell off any of the extras, not even the pullets. Everyone around here seems to want LF.
How was the show? I wanted to go but the kids didn't feel like it.

I know when I had bantams I could not sell off any of the extras, not even the pullets. Everyone around here seems to want LF.
Same Here in Western Washington....Those raising chickens for more than eggs want the LF. Even those looking for surplus Roos...I have some Bantam S. Favs. and a silkie, cochin and de Anver for pets....The B. Favs lay Lots of eggs year around and thou the eggs are smaller, the yolks are the same size as large eggs.
n8ivetxn - you are right! They do look like little Roman Soldiers looking straight on like that and I hope the Squigster will be a lover forever!

Lenny was out visiting the neighbors so I am posting some pics from about a month ago. He is a little more reserved than Squiggy but still lovable.

And here is sweet little Shirley!

OMG - I can't believe how much Lenny looks like his father! Comb is just a bit different, but that's about all. Shirley looks like her mom! (sniff!) Thanks for posting!
Hey there! Anyone ever deal with some Favs pulling out their leg feathers? I have a couple that are doing this to the point that their legs were bloody in some areas. I put VetRx on the legs and rubbed it in good. Anything else I should be looking for? Their legs aren't scaly so I wasn't thinking leg mites but it makes me wonder. I am going to keep putting stuff them. What do you think?
Have you tried slathering a good coat of vaseline on their legs? They don't like to pick at it then, and if there are some leg mites, it might be enough to smother them. I've done that before. Make sure you work a good glob of into the scales and the shafts and leave a good coat of it on there. It will get really dirty, but it may stop them after they get that vaseline on their tongue. I did that to one of my girl's beard after the others were picking on it, and it seemed to work, although if seeds stick to it, the others will pick at that. It's a pain, but not a major problem. Just keep trying stuff until you find what works for you.
OMG - I can't believe how much Lenny looks like his father! Comb is just a bit different, but that's about all. Shirley looks like her mom! (sniff!) Thanks for posting!

Her mom lives on through Shirley! I will continue to try to post pics of your grandkids every so often for you to see them!
Squiggy says Hi Grandma! LOL (There is nothing wrong with his eye. Apparently his inner eyelid closes everytime he crows)

Same Here in Western Washington....Those raising chickens for more than eggs want the LF. Even those looking for surplus Roos...I have some Bantam S. Favs. and a silkie, cochin and de Anver for pets....The B. Favs lay Lots of eggs year around and thou the eggs are smaller, the yolks are the same size as large eggs.

I learned that a lot of folks here are getting into the craze of bantams because they want a pet like they would a chihuahua or parrot they can take in the house and chickens are the new fad. I figure when the fad is over people will still want to eat so LF is still the way to go. Sounds like I should import good bantams and export the LF! lol IDK about eating the banties. They still look small to me. Even quail are small in my book. I don't eat baby anything and they just look like babies or pigeons or something. I guess if I ever get to squirrel eating days banties will be on the menu too but I am not there yet. I figure if I raise a thrifty bird and I raise the flock from spring to fall and process in the fall I will know by then who is good quality and who isn't and be able to stock the freezer at the same time I spend less on feed and reduce numbers before winter to keep costs and duties lower through the winter. Sad part is I LIKE birds. I could keep a lot of them if it weren't for the costs; money and chores.

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