favored hen losing back feathers

where should i put him? we sold all our dog cages a while ago, we do have a rabbit cage(about 2' x 4') that we use to break broody hens....but he's a cochin so its really tight
, if you got any ideas on any type of cagish thing i could use, that would be helpful, thanks
It's always nice to have another small coop to quarantine new or sick birds. I would just build something simple and predator proof. It doesn't have to be fancy.
It's always nice to have another small coop to quarantine new or sick birds. I would just build something simple and predator proof. It doesn't have to be fancy.
alright, thanks for the ideas, i'll figure something out...it definitally wont be fancy(our coop is basically no more than a shed).

one more question, about how long do you think i'll have to keep him separated?

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