favorite breeds and why? Or nominate your favorite individual chicken

My favorite right now are cochins. Primarly because of their temperment. They seem to think they are two legged lap dogs. They would absolutely be my first recommendation for a bird to anyone who wants a breed for their children to start with!
I had an epiphany a while back about WHY I've chosen the breeds and colors I am attracted to and raise.
I grew up with chickens --- fighting chickens (generally black breasted red in color) and broiler house chickens (white).
When I started keeping my own chickens, I picked a breed that was as far away from either of those as was available --- Barred Rocks.
I thought it was unfair that the males get all the stunning plumage and the girls are drab so I picked breeds and colors that are the same for males and females.

Those seemed to be mostly black / white marked breeds / colors .
So those are what is here

well my first flock will be a year old the end of March, so I don't have much experience. As of right now my favorite individual chicken is my black australorp Daphne, she is also my top hen. She is very bossy with the flock but when it comes to me she just loves to snuggle, she looks me right in the eye as if to say I'm her favorite too.

As far as breeds go, I have found my two buff orpingtons to be beautiful, super friendly & great layers-so they are my favorite breed-here's Marguerite

A very close second breed is my EE's...even though they are not pure breeds those tinted eggs are irristable. Here's my Penny with a freshly laid egg
I've only had Leghorns, a Brahma, an EE and a Silkie Mix...
My Brahma, Slifer, I hate to say was my Favourite, just because you could pick her up and hug her all the time. She was so big and limped so that she was easy to catch.
I love Obelisk, a B&W Leghorn mix, but she's about as cuddly as a cactus and heck to catch. LOL
I loved Jerry because of his colours. He looked like an Exchequer even though he was a Black and White Leghorn mix.
Tom, my EE I loved because she was ALWAYS singing. She sang when she was walking around, she sang when she was roosting...
Penny, I love because she's so cute and teeny and has a great personality.
Australorps and New Hampshire Reds! That's all I ever have now, because they are calm and sensible enough to be fun to deal with, but they also have enough spunk to flee predators and protect themselves if need be.
My sister swears by her buff Orpies, but their reaction to predators seems to be to crouch in the grass and hope for the best - not usually very successful...
Like I said in the other post, we have a quite a few different breeds, some prettier than others, my personal favorites are my Silver Laced Wyandotte hens and my Buff Minorca, he's a stud;) and a very well behaved rooster. I also like my Ameracuna's and their little tufts on their face.
I love all my chickies of course, but... Here are some of my favorite characters.

Boba (RIR) is the smartest chicken I have ever met and sooo funny! We thought she was a rooster because of her big comb, that is until I saw her lay an egg.:eek:

You can see the glint of intelligence in her beady little eyes. lol!

And don't tell my other handsome and wonderful roosters, but Apollo is my favorite rooster. He's a Golden Comet/EE mix.

He's just so snuggly I can't help it! And can you blame me? He was the first little cockerel I hatched.

Believe it or not Ella here is his mom and my favorite hen (thus my screen name) she's a Golden Comet.

She is also very snuggly- I can't go in the coop without her jumping on my shoulder and grooming my hair.
This is Tom and Jerry, my first two. Tom was an EE and Jerry was a Leghorn.
This is Obelisk the Tormentor. She's also a Leghorn.
This is Slifer the Sky Dragon. She was a Light Brahma mix.
This is Miss MoneyPenny. She's a Silkie Mix.

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