Favorite feeders/waterers


In the Brooder
Jun 1, 2020
New Mexico, USA
Hey All! I am new to duck keeping (my girls are about five weeks old and such fun). What feeders and waterers have you bought that you love? My feeder is one of the gravity fed, but once the ducks bring their wet bills over, the wet food clogs the holes. I’m also looking for a waterer that is deep enough for the ducks to dunk their heads but they can’t climb/poop in. I’d like something I can buy ready-to-use but there doesn’t seem to be much designed for ducks. Plus some pictures of the growing ducks 😄


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For bowls i just like the basic ceramic bowls used for small animals, they are hard to tip and hold a lot.

Water wise well once as they are old enough to be off heat, rubber livestock bowls are my go too... i have them in a zillion sizes from small 2gal maybe? right up that fit a full size Muscovy drake, they are good year round(including way below freezing) and everywhere in between.

I should add i also use those basic red cap waterers but those are outside mama's with babies so the mess is more contained.
Thanks everyone! I worry that with open bowls they’ll poop in them and increase their risk of parasites. I do change them a couple times a day—is that enough? Or are they less likely to once they’re outside full time with more room and a pool?
Thanks everyone! I worry that with open bowls they’ll poop in them and increase their risk of parasites. I do change them a couple times a day—is that enough? Or are they less likely to once they’re outside full time with more room and a pool?

Ducks are messy but it's more important they have access to bathe and dunk/clean their nares... i have tons of open pans and majority of the birds here are free ranged, they have been fine, you just clean them often.. hose is your best friend :)
I have had success with my Muscovys using the water systems meant for large dogs. The bottom bowl section is big enough for them to get their heads completely in. Upper removable section is easy to remove and fill. Water is gravity fed. Easy to clean. In winter never completely freezes although I bring them in at night to thaw. Now with hot weather, I empty and refill mid day so water is fresh. Purchased at Walmart.

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