Favorite Liscense Plates and Bumper Stickers...

My husband saw one of those little smart cars the other day with "ACTUAL SIZE" across the top of the back window.
When I was in High school, I had a 1982 Ford Econoline van. Brown and big, it ws great! I decorated it with lots of stickers (many mentioned on here already) and my mother and I decided that the van needed a name.

We decided on Boo Rad, after Boo Radley from To Kill A Mockingbird. Well, my mother the horrible speller, spelled it "Bo Rad" and thus it became. My buddies and I even began using "bo rad" as a slang term in place of "cool" "That's so bo rad" didn't quite catch on with the other students, expecially since many of them drove BMWs to school.
There used to be a vehicle running around town with the license plates of XQZU. I havent seen it in a while but I still remember the plate.
Use to know a couple who had matching cars. His plate was CHASEME Her plate was CATCHME

My brother put a bumper sticker on his truck that said Keep on working:millions of people on welfare depend on you. I put one on the other side of his truck that said Jesus loves you: The rest of us think your an a**

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