Favorite Liscense Plates and Bumper Stickers...

most of the special plates around here seem to advertise someone's small business - which is cool

Seems like our DMV office must have gotten a big box of regular plates that all end with ONG. I swear, at one time we had 3 people with "--- ONG" plates on their cars JUST employed our pizza place, many more driving around town. I got my plates when I lived in another county, so they are totally different than all the local ones that seem so similar.
The boss's son has a regular random plate that is "666 ---" - I think I might have asked for a different one if it were me.
Uhhhh.... do my own count??

UPPITY X - the first word is self-explanatory, but the "X" refers to law enforcement radio code for "female."
My dachshund is smarter than your honor student.

Plus, I do have a BYC "My pet makes my breakfast" bumper sticker.
License plate on an old VW Bus: YMIB4U
Sticker on an off-road Baja bug: I got your jeep thing, now it hurts when IP
Seen on an old Ford Truck: Horn broke, watch for finger.
Seen on a Mercedes: My other car is a Pinto
My neighbor has a bumper sticker that says "If it's tourist season then why can't we shoot 'em?"
I find that very funny, does that make me a bad person??

My license plate surround says "My belgian draft horse is smarter than your honor student"
Bumper stickers

"If guns kill people then a spoon made Rosie o'donnell fat"

"Too often,we lose sight of life's simple pleasures.Remember,when someone annoys you it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown,BUT,it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and b--ch-slap that mother@#?!&! upside the head!Pass it on..........
I was behind a man on the road one day who was driving 20 in a 45 mph speed zone. I'd guess his age to be mid-eighties. He had a bumper sticker on his car that read "I may be old and slow, 'tis true, but I am still ahead of you".

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