Favorite Liscense Plates and Bumper Stickers...

Some of my favorite bumper stickers...

Support Global Worming (from the place I got my worm bin and worms)
I wonder how you would drive if that cell phone was up your a**
My son is Inmate of the Month a State Pen
I saw a "born again Pagan" bumper sticker once.
That one cracks me up!

I had a bumper sticker on my old Bronco that read; Proud Parent of a Student Who Has Graduated and Moved Out!
My daughter found it rather amuzing.
I have WHAT in my yard? :

I have a Darwin Fish eating a jesus fish. I also have "I think there fore I am atheist" and my fav

What would flying spaghetti monster do??


None of them are on my car though, I have to drive it for work.....

I agree there, I only have "cowgirl up " and "stop domestic violence" on my car because of all of all of the different "territories" I go to where my warped sense of humor may not be well received.​

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