Feather Issues

I'm sorry to hear that Longfellow - I'm not sure what could be causing that. Could you provide any more information?

Wyorp Rock - my feed place didn't have any feather fixer, but they did have a multi flock starter at 22%. Think I could go ahead and feed that for a little while? It's a non medicated starter, so I don't think it could ever hurt them. Just different analysis. My old feed is just 17% protein
@KellyG8 I think that would be fine. Just offer oyster shell free choice.
You could also make a "daily treat" out of the starter - mix with water, add a smidge of chopped veggies or fruit and give it to them. HaHa, mine get this all the time, but I do make the Flock Raiser available 24/7 (dry). They love their daily "mash" - it's really just their feed with a few goodies mixed in.

@longfellow can you give more information, or post a new thread? Post some photos and give us a description of what you think is going on. Blood on the outside of the chickens could be from fighting or predator attack, but there's no way to know without more info.

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