Feather Lice?

Savannah Hayley

In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 2, 2014
Occasionally when my dove is preening himself I'll see a tiny white bug on him. What is it? If it's feather lice or mites what can I use to treat it? Should I take him to the vet?
lice you will see holes in feathers open doves wing up and tn the light you will see holes and a brown looking thing about 1/16 inches long thats lice and most common pest go to pet store or feed store geet some adams flea and tick for dogs or bronco fly spray for horses spray one time under each wing and around vent of bird what i think you are seeing is feather dander bird moulting also let the bird bath it self givve it some bath water in a sallow bowl keep a eye on it and watch the fun
It's not feather dander. I can actually see the bug crawling on him. I tried to get it but it crawled back under the feathers.
I just checked under his wings and he seems really healthy. There are no holes in his feathers and his skin looks right. I know that two times I saw a tiny whitish bug on him.
if its bug those spray should take care of them when you spray under the wings and the vent the bird spreads the bug repellent when it preens it self by the way those both are natural bug killers no harm to birds
Sounds like feather lice. I have had it on occasion on my ring necks and homers. A warm bath with dawn dish soap seems to do the trick if you are treating a small amount of birds. I bathed mine with dawn, and rinsed them in clean water with a little vinegar in it.Then I blow dried them and all the little bugs fell off dead. Dont forget to clean housing well too.
i use a few handfuls of borax in my guys' bath water and it keeps it under control, it doesn't hurt the birds even if they drink it, i also put apple cider vinegar in the water a few times a month, it all keeps the feathers nice and conditioned.

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